Posts Tagged: IT

7 Tips to Successful IT Asset Management

Technology is always changing, and with each change every successful organization needs to adjust to the upgrades and advancements. The downside of not upgrading can create incorrect data entry, poorly tracked documents, excess time consumption, and an overall increase in costs as a result. The solution to these problems – an Asset Management Solution (AMS).Read… Read more »

DISA Shutters Ohio, Penn. Data Centers

The Defense Information Systems Agency has moved to consolidate its data centers and information technology infrastructures as part of efforts to reduce operational costs. DISA moved the operations of its data centers in Dayton, Ohio and Chambersburg, Pa. into the Defense Enterprise Computing Centers on Oct. 1, the agency said Thursday. This effort is partRead… Read more »

GSA: 32% of Data Centers Shuttered During FY 2013

The General Services Administration has moved to close 37 data centers and consolidate information technology systems as part of agency efforts to reduce its footprint and costs. GSA shut 32 percent of its non-core data centers in fiscal year 2013 as part of the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative aimed at cutting real estate costsRead… Read more » as a Case Study for the Digital Analog Divide

This post was originally published on I find myself thinking about the launch of with a bizarre frequency. I think it’s fascinating as a case study and, I believe, emblematic of a broader unaddressed problem. The Long Story Short launched on October 1, 2013 to serve as a hub for US citizensRead… Read more »

What do you think of Michigan’s New Volunteer Cyber Civilian Corps?

Over the weekend, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder announced a new Cyber Civilian Corps program to tap community expertise to strengthen his state’s cybersecurity posture. The membership will consist of public-sector and private-sector volunteers to help monitor and respond to cyber security threats. What do you think the move to use volunteers to help with governmentRead… Read more »

IT Portfolio Management: Asset Classes and Portfolios

Multi-order Interconnections of Assets Comments from yesterday’s post regarding the difference between IT Assets and Traditional Investment Assets I had a tendency to agree with in the past. However, since the changes in law and the economy the independence between assets no longer exists as once was believed. As the most recent financial meltdown theRead… Read more »

Shutdown Ramifications (Part II): 3 Hidden Costs to Federal Workforce

Now that a semblance of normality has returned to Washington it’s time to ask an important question: What are the shutdown’s costs to the federal workforce? We know the tangible costs in terms of dollars. But what about the hidden costs which are more difficult to measure? In addition to lost economic productivity and America’sRead… Read more »

Shutdown Showdown: 5 Priorities to Restore Fairness for Feds

For years now, the beleaguered federal workforce has paid too high a price for the political ineptitude of Congress. Hard working and loyal public servants should never be used as political pawns in an ideological chess match. Feds are not sacrificial lambs that lawmakers can conveniently use to cover up their own conspicuous failure toRead… Read more »

The road to public sector IT hell may not be paved with intentions at all

Something that scares me enormously is the house of cards that many (if not most) governments have built with their IT systems. It can be witnessed every time government agencies get ‘MOGed’ – Machinery of Government changes where parts of agencies are shifted to other agencies to meet the latest political whim. In these casesRead… Read more »

A Look at the Next Two Weeks…And Beyond

by Steve Charles, Co-founder and Executive Vice President With the Washington Nationals now eliminated for sure from this season’s baseball playoffs, Washington the city and the market can focus fully on handicapping the possibility of a government shutdown next week. Just in case, the White House issued a memo this month on agency operations duringRead… Read more »