Posts Tagged: IT

The Business of IT – Find the Right Focus

The partisan environment in Washington has resulted in a near paralysis of logical decision making. The sequestration is just the latest, perhaps most egregious, example. Is this the best our leaders can do? What will it take to change things for the better? How should CIOs and other Federal executives execute their missions under theseRead… Read more »

Federal Technology Spending Expected to Increase in 2014

Posted originally on Federal Technology Insider. Earlier this month, President Obama submitted the annual budget for fiscal year 2014 to Congress. Despite much discussion on federal spending cuts, the Obama administration requested a $2 billion increase in federal IT spending. According to Steve VanRokel, federal CIO, the key takeaway is that investment in IT willRead… Read more »

BYOD Successes? Private Sector Keeps It Under Wraps; Agencies Share

Recently EEOC share BYOD successes with Federal Technology Insider and we’ve tapped into other sources that best practices. Yet, private sector seems to be keeping projects under wraps. Want to know a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) secret? Good luck gaining any insight from corporations. While these organizations are generally considered to be further alongRead… Read more »

Gender-based Tablets? Meet “ePad Femme”

It was bound to happen sooner or later. That is, private sector companies marketing the latest tablets to consumers based on their sex — it could be a money maker, never know? World’s First Tablet for Women According to Mashable: “Don’t worry, ladies. There’s finally an easy-to-use tablet just for us. It’s called the ePadRead… Read more »

The Business of IT – Can Legislation Strengthen the CIO Role in Government?

The link below leads to my article with this title published in the Winter 2013 issue of FedTech Magazine. Once again Congress is seeking to strengthen the Federal CIO position throught legislation. The draft legislation proposed by Congressman Darryl Issa would strengthen the CIOs’ authority in the areas of budgets and human resources, but itRead… Read more »

Kimberly Hancher, CIO of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Discusses BYOD Successes

This exclusive interview was published by Federal Technology Insider. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently implemented a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) pilot program to meet urgent IT budget challenges. As a result of the effort, the agency was able to achieve significant savings, while enhancing employee productivity – all while creating the ideal case studyRead… Read more »

Sequestration Could Shift Focus of Federal IT Spending

Originally posted to Federal Technology Insider With an impending March 1 deadline set to trigger $85 billion in federal budget spending cuts, a recent InformationWeek article highlighted concerns raised by officials about the impact sequestration will have on federal IT expenditures. “By cutting technology, it’s going to put us into situations where we eitherRead… Read more »