Posts Tagged: IT

Key ingredients make IT transformation a recipe for success

In a recent post I wrote about a pair of innovative plans that will shape the future of federal IT. Cloud First and Share First have the potential to truly transform government IT. As with most innovations, the hard work begins soon after the “wow factor” wears off. So how do you successfully execute aRead… Read more »

Get Ahead of the Curve with Cloud based Collaboration

According to analyst firm, Enterprise Strategy Group, the enterprise cloud based file sharing revolution is being driven not by IT, but by end users – individuals who need to access and share data across laptops, smart phones and tablets whenever the need may arise. And, it’s these individuals who often subscribe to consumer-based file sharingRead… Read more »

Think Agile in Modular Acquisition for IT

By Tom Kuhn, PhD, DAWIA III Government agencies need the most innovative IT solutions, but they also need to “innovate with less.” That’s where Modular Acquisition comes in, taking a “small bites” approach to IT investment, which gives government fast access to the latest technology while lowering the risk of upfront spending on systems. TheRead… Read more »

Representative Proposes Legislation to Streamline Federal IT Acquisitions

In a move to help increase the pace and effectiveness of federal technology acquisition, Representative Darrell Issa (R-California) is proposing that Chief Information Officers within government agencies be allowed long-sought authority over their agencies’ technology budgets. “At a time we are facing record deficits and our national debt has exceeded [our gross domestic product], itRead… Read more »

Five ways federal IT can increase innovation while cutting costs

Federal IT is in the midst of a huge transformation, driven by initiatives ranging from IT Reform and Federal Data Center Consolidation to CloudFirst, CyberFirst and FutureFirst. In May 2012, President Obama released a memo detailing new directions for Federal IT as part of the Digital Government Strategy. Moving to a 21st-century foundation for federalRead… Read more »

How federal agencies save money by running IT like a business

The Federal CIO’s 25-Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal IT Management mandated that federal agencies complete progress reports and plans for data center consolidation. As a result, fiscal year 2011 brought the closure of more than 81 data centers, with more than 900 scheduled to shutter by FY2015, for a cost savings of nearly $5Read… Read more »

How federal CIOs can optimize their application portfolios

CIOs in the federal sector were under the gun clean house by June 12, 2012. According to the federal IT Reform Plan, these tech leaders had to demonstrate to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that, after careful review of their portfolios, they had remedied or retired underperforming applications. I recently wrote about theRead… Read more »

Federal CIOs must become portfolio managers–here’s how

In August 2012, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget stated in a memo that federal CIOs should become true portfolio managers. The memo was aimed at heads of executive departments and agencies and was released as part of the U.S. federal IT reform plan. As with most OMB memos, it contained a lotRead… Read more »

Tim O’Reilly and Jennifer Pahlka Commend GDS for Their Groundbreaking Contributions to Digital Gov

The Government Digital Service (GDS) is a new team within the United Kingdom’s Cabinet Office, and it is tasked with ensuring that the government provides top quality digital services to better meet citizens’ needs. On November 13, 2012, Tim O’Reilly, founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media and Jennifer Pahlka, Founder and Executive Director of CodeRead… Read more »