Posts Tagged: IT

POTUS Re-Election: 5 Key Issues for Feds

With the 2012 Presidential Election now behind us, a host of key issues affecting federal employees nationwide are once again front and center. Following is a post-election primer presenting a snapshot of five key issue areas for Feds during President Obama’s second term. To watch the President’s acceptance speech, click here. 1) Sequestration & FiscalRead… Read more »

Can Video Increase Military Coordination Between Nations?

Keeping the lines of communication and collaboration open between these nations and their militaries is a struggle under the best of conditions. However, the ongoing economic situation is impacting each and every member nation to some degree and at some level. This means that budgets need to be cut, every cent needs to be accountedRead… Read more »

Tapping Open Source: Linux Philosophy and the Government

This blog post was written by DLT Solutions’ Matt Micene, Engineering Team Lead for the company’s blog. You can visit the full blog by clicking HERE. —– With Mil-OSS WG4 over and 2012’s Red Hat Government Symposium kicking off on Tuesday, my mind naturally wanders to topics such as “The Open Source Way” and howRead… Read more »

Continuous Monitoring: The New Phase of IT Security

As IT systems continue to grow in size and sophistication, greater security measures are needed to ensure that critical data stays secure. Enter Continuous Monitoring. The automated process creates data on the status of operational and business processes that goes into constant feedback loop, allowing the system to constantly quantify risks and potential compromises toRead… Read more »

Why Collaboration Between Government & Industry Still Matters? – Part 2

Ingrained into the fabric of the ACT-IAC Executive Leadership Conference is a focus on timely issues. ELC provides not a technical, but a management spotlight on the agenda for the coming year. In our earliest days in Charlottesville, the key issue was procurement reform – and the ELC dialogue resulted in improvements to the FederalRead… Read more »

Why does Collaboration between Government & Industry still matter?

The ACT-IAC Executive Leadership Conference will be held in Williamsburg October 28-30 this year. It will bring together eight or nine hundred government and business executives for relatively intense collaboration in 16 working sessions, and provide plenary addresses from a war hero, an Acting Administrator, a renowned theoretical physicist, a prominent television journalist, and theRead… Read more »

Two Fun Big Data Videos Every Techie Should Watch

With this post I would like to introduce two videos I recommend any enterprise technologist watch. Both are from the website at The first is actually very NON-technical. It is a short, cute (with rainbows and butterflies) cartoon that talks in small words about some key use cases most businesses are experiencing today, andRead… Read more »

Run your IT organization like a business

The current economic climate has put a particular emphasis on the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational projects and IT portfolios. Programs and projects that are unable to demonstrate a reasonable return on investment are being punished, and in many cases rightfully so. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your particular vantage point, management’s axe is fallingRead… Read more »

Federal IT Contracting: An Interesting Read

By Daniel Eisen In my last post I promised that I would highlight some articles I have collected on federal Information Technology (IT) contracting. The pile was taller than I thought. My process of culling through articles kept reminding me of my how dad always used to say “how’s that going for you?” and “lotsRead… Read more »

Stealth IT: Ninjas In The Workplace

The highly empowered mobile user is a disruptive trend most enterprises have yet to come to grips with. This is causing huge changes in enterprises. Friends at Wikibon, the awesome open research and collaboration site, have produced an infographic that helps capture some key dimensions of this trend. It is embedded below: Via: Wikibon InfographicsRead… Read more »