Posts Tagged: IT

BYOD @ EEOC: case study featured in official WH guidance

Below is the full text of the EEOC’s case study, part of the official White House guidance on BYOD issued earlier today government-wide as part of the Administration’s new Digital Government Strategy. Also see: “Should feds get reimbursed for BYOD?” “BYOD Pilot: Five Lessons Learned” “BYOD and Beyond” U.S. Equal EmploymentRead… Read more »

The Business of IT – A Tale of Two Strategies

Developing a strategy to progress towards a desired end result is just one component of a successful program. Crafting plans and successfully implementing those plans are equally critical. In my Summer 2012 column in FedTech Magazine, I evaluated two recent strategies issued by the Federal CIO to assess the likelihood of their success. What doRead… Read more »

BYOD Pilot: Five Lessons Learned

As noted in a recent post, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has implemented a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) pilot program to meet urgent IT budget challenges. The EEOC, a relatively small agency with scarce IT funds, by federal government standards, was one of the first agencies to launch an innovative BYOD pilot. See “BYOD andRead… Read more »

The local government CIO – We serve the people who serve the people

In my continuing quest to ensure that local governments are recognized for the services they provide to the public, I bring you the first of several profiles of local government CIOs. With limited budgets, constraints from the county and state and under the unending watch of citizens, local technology departments are tasked with providing consistentlyRead… Read more »

Storm’s Impact On Amazon Data Center Renews Cloud Concerns

This post was originally published in AOL Gov. To read the entire article by Wyatt Kash, click here. Federal agencies and regional data center operators, including one operated by Amazon Web Services, are still taking stock of the impact of widespread power outages that began Friday night and continue to leave large swaths of greaterRead… Read more »

Bring Your Own Device – Can it work in the public sector?

Bring your own device (BYOD) policies are corporate policies that dictate the rules around the use of employees personal tablets, smartphones, laptops and other devices for work purposes. Often, a BYOD policy is brought to help manage IT costs or are developed out of a recognition that employees will be using personal assets for businessRead… Read more »

I Can’t Share Large Files – Why Poor IT is Killing Productivity

Shrinking budgets especially in the IT world are putting pressure on public organizations to do the same work (if not more work) on aging technology and infrastructure. The government is not the standard setter when it comes to advancing to the latest and greatest technology. The perfect example: I’m using a Pentium 4 single processorRead… Read more »

Publishing Government Data That Developers Will Actually Use

Despite increasing public support (as well as a number of executive mandates) publishing public data in a machine-readable format is not as simple as pressing the “publish” button. Why? Equally important as exposing the information itself is fostering a vibrant developer ecosystem around it. By making the publishing agency, not the public, responsible for makingRead… Read more »

Survey on Cloud Computing in the Public Sector – for a Graduate School Research Project

I am asking you to devote a few minutes to complete an online survey at The survey is designed to gain information on key factors that influence the adoption of cloud computing services in the public sector. The information sought is for a thesis research project at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.Individual responses will remainRead… Read more »

Monday Morning News Kick Off: DOE Offers 3D Employee Training; GSA Wants to be “Government Savings Agent; and Cyber Chief Plans “Long Harley Ride”

Welcome to the Monday Morning News Kick Off post from the FedConnects blog. We hope you’ve had a restful weekend and are ready to be the smartest and most efficient government or contractor professional possible. Here’s all the actionable news you need to achieve these goals. Happy Monday! Department of Energy Offers Online Training toRead… Read more »