Posts Tagged: IT

DOD Secretary Gates details planned cuts in defense IT and elsewhere — Government Computer News

With upcoming and eminent DoD budget cuts, enterprise IT capabilities like AKO/DKO may become the norm. Regarding the current way of doing business, “All of our bases, operational headquarters and defense agencies have their own IT infrastructures, processes and application-ware,” Gates said at a Pentagon press conference. “This decentralized approach results in large cumulative costs,Read… Read more »

Last Chance to Learn the Latest Best Practices in Open Government

Join us on July 19th for Excellence in Government to learn the best practices & innovative tools your agency needs to implement open government. In one day, gain the complete tool set you need through:• Access to the latest open government developments • Interactive dialogue with leading experts• Actionable case studies• Best practices which canRead… Read more »

Business Intelligence software recommendations and horror stories?

I work on a data warehouse and my city’s main anti-poverty agency. The data warehouse has been around since 2000. We have roughly 150 users across the agency writing their own ad hoc queries each month, many of them using Oracle Discoverer. (We also have about 250 other users running canned reports each month, butRead… Read more »

Interviews on open source with HHS contractors Brian Behlendorf and Arien Malec

From Apache to Health and Human Services: Apache co-founder Brian Behlendorf discusses the CONNECT health data project Brian Behlendorf, one of the founders of the Apache Web server project and the CollabNet cooperative software development company, is contracting now with the Department of Health and Human Services on a software project they opened up aRead… Read more »

Application development in the Internet age

The point of this post: Just as the web changed our model of content publishing, so it will change our model of application development. Government IT shops need to evolve to keep up. Publishing and the Web Once upon a time, a writer would write a book (and re-write it and re-write it). Then aRead… Read more »

Resistance is a Judgment, Not an Action

This article was originally published on the Tri Tuns Blog.OBSERVATION When talking about user adoption of major IT systems – CRM, ERP, HRIS, etc – at some point the discussion always focuses on overcoming “user resistance”. When I probe deeper and ask clients to define exactly what they mean by “user resistance” (what form itRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing and Virtualization Aren’t What you Think

Today I had the opportunity to listen to a discussion about cloud computing and virtualization of IT services: “The Future of Enterprise IT Architecture” with representatives from Cisco, VMware, and Barquin. Now most non-IT government workers, like myself, probably would think, “Why in the world would you subject yourself to something like that?” But fortunatelyRead… Read more »

Open Source and the NextGen Health Care IT Community

I spend a fair amount of time at Open Source conferences. I arrive with a government bias plus some of the great ideas that open source enables like transparency and open government. Although most panels/sessions/talks/round tables will eventually get around to the idea of education and work force training, I rarely see anyone responsible forRead… Read more »