Posts Tagged: job search

Recruitment 411: Tips & Tricks for Success from an IRS Recruiter

Today’s guest blogger is Reina Fregoso, the IRS recruiter for Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. She began her career with the IRS in 1980 and has been with the IRS Recruitment Office for four years. No matter what the job market looks like, it’s important to make sure you put your best foot forward. MyRead… Read more »

College Degree: Worth Your Effort?

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net HR Specialist. He’s an Intel IT type in a senior management position and he doesn’t have a degree. But everyone who works for him and all new hires do. She’s military and ready to take her enlisted experience and security clearances into the government contracting world. But all theRead… Read more »

Preparing Your Job Search Salary Strategy

Patra’s money quote: “Money. Salary. Compensation. All a critical aspect of your job search and yet to many Americans, more difficult to talk about than sex.” What do you need to do to determine your strategy? Learn what you are worth in terms of the job you want. Be clear with hiring managers about yourRead… Read more »

Planning Your Military Transition

In this video ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Specialist Patra Frame talks about the importance of military personnel using the transition services that are available to them when planning their transition to the civilian work world. Many others have traveled this road before so learn from their mistakes, don’t repeat them. It’s helpful to talk to folks whoRead… Read more »

A Job Search Primer – How to Effectively Find Your Best Options

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Specialist Here we are with a basics of job search review — and it is all on video. As you know, ClearedJobs.n et has its own YouTube channel with lots of great videos from the recruiters who participate in our job fairs as well as from me. AndRead… Read more »

How to Negotiate Salary for Your Job Offer

You’ve received a job offer but you’re not pleased with the salary being offered. What do you do? ClearedJobs.Net HR Specialist Patra Frame discusses the best strategy for negotiating your offer, including salary. Your first consideration is, do you really want the job? Don’t waste anyone’s time with negotiations for a position that doesn’t interestRead… Read more »

The Most Important Lesson I Learned in the Army

Tuesday June 14 is the U.S. Army’s 236th birthday. As a pre-celebration we bring you Constantine von Hoffman’s thoughts on the most important lesson he learned in the Army. Join ClearedJobs.Net June 14 as we celebrate the Army’s birthday with the folks from IWearYourShirt! One day in the early 1980s, me and 40 of myRead… Read more »

Are You Impacted by BRAC and Wondering What To Do

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Strategist. Once it seemed so far away and so full of tough choices that it was easy to postpone decisions. But here your BRAC changes still are and the deadlines approach. What now? Step 1. What are you actually facing? Great job, moving to a distant location –Read… Read more »

Job Search: Stumbling Blocks and Feedback

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Strategist Job search is a difficult process for most of us. Applications disappear into black holes, a great opportunity looms but you cannot get a response, an interview goes well but months later a rejection letter arrives. In recent years these problems and many others have been aggravatedRead… Read more »

Military Transition: Military Resume Tricks Rant

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Strategist. I recently have begun hearing again that some employment counselors are telling transitioning military folks to omit their military service information and/or titles. Instead they suggest one use words like “major international organization vice-president.” This was a sad trend after the Vietnam war, driven by popular talkRead… Read more »