Posts Tagged: job

Ramp Up Your Job Search Research

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Specialist. Feeling stuck? Job search slowing? Not finding jobs that are really right for you? Go to the library! Runyon’s Corollary: Spending a few hours on the Internet often saves a few minutes in the library. Everything is NOT on the web. But your public library has aRead… Read more »

Top 10 Books for Civilians Working with the Military

If you work in the defense industry or are looking to break into the defense business, a lack of military experience can be a major drawback. Fortunately, dozens of authors have come to your aid with books that can help you learn the ropes – and language – of your military colleagues. Read this articleRead… Read more »

Things Not to Do at Your Government Office Holiday Party

It’s that magical time of year, when lights are strewn, carols sang and way too many sugary treats are eaten. For most offices, it also means that some kind holiday party will be held. With cash short on hand in most government offices today, that means even more parties will be taking place right thereRead… Read more »

How to Tell It’s Time to Leave Your Current Contract

The world of contracting has its benefits, not the least of which is the option to try new opportunities and experience new challenges. Along with the benefits, however, are a few drawbacks. The most pressing, especially in these economic times, being the potential for contracts to come to an end, and sometimes rather quickly. StabilityRead… Read more »

Bullies and Victims Make Us All Losers

With approval ratings firmly ensconced in the single-digits, it is no surprise that Americans are fed-up with Congress. In the announcing of his retirement, long-time member Barney Frank of Massachusetts has become emblematic of the corrosive morass the People’s House has become and his persona a reflection of the daily battles in which our mediaRead… Read more »

Getting an Entry-Level Security Clearance Job

A few tips, tricks and sympathy on breaking into the security cleared workforce, from one of our contributors: So, you want to get into the clearance world? As someone who has faced this challenge the past couple of years, I do not claim to have all the answers but I have observed a number ofRead… Read more »

Need a Job? Three Steps to Take Now

The fact that millions of Americans are unemployed or underemployed is not news. Although we seem to be engaged in Einstein’s infamous trap of ‘doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.’ Policy makers are debating how to entice businesses into hiring more people and the unemployed are angry and frustrated overRead… Read more »

Job Fairs Are Great PR For Politicians But Ineffective Otherwise

The Buffalo News reports that Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown sponsored a job fair, which attracted 1,500 people. While politicians have very little to do with creating jobs, they are all feeling the heat from an angry public seeking employment. While I applaud the Mayor for trying to help, the truth is that job fairs areRead… Read more »