Posts Tagged: job

What’s Next for Your Career

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Specialist Are you trying to figure out your next career step? Many folks with higher level clearances just move into another job that requires the clearance because it’s easy. Those with lower-level clearances face more difficulties when they discover it does not automatically get them many opportunities. ButRead… Read more »

Is Your Office Getting a Bit…Cozier?

Office space isn’t what it used to be – many offices and most government agencies are tearing down the walls – literally – and placing workers in increasingly small, and less private, cube space. Is this the trend in your office? Do smaller offices make it easier to collaborate, or just make you more annoyedRead… Read more »

Tips for Skype Interview Success

Today’s job search has gone high-tech. From career networking online to using social media to build your online brand, being web savvy is to every job seeker’s advantage. One phenomenon of the Internet age is the Skype interview. An increasing number of recruiters are using online web interviews to screen candidates and conduct initial interviews.Read… Read more »

GovLaunch: getting a makeover, coming offline, the Federal Government’s official job website, will scrap its current design and unveil a new look next month that is said to be more user-friendly. The new site is said to be modeled after many shopping websites. According to this article over at GovExec: “USAJobs 3.0, designed to make the process smoother for potentialRead… Read more »

Social Media for the Security Cleared Job Seeker, Twitter

Social media is now a common means of communicating, doing business and supporting career search and development. But as with everything there is a huge divide between those who adopted technology early and most of the rest of us. I was reminded on a recent family visit that there is still healthy skepticism, suspicion andRead… Read more »

Show Me the Money, Salary and Benefits

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net HR Specialist When you are looking for a new job, a critical issues is pay and benefits. Yet too many of us don’t even think about these issues in advance. You need to or you may make simple mistakes with large dollar, long-term career consequences. So first, what constitutesRead… Read more »

How many sources of income do you rely on to sustain your lifestyle?

I heard a statement the other day that struck home – no one in today’s economy has ‘just one job’ for income – everyone seems to have a side job, residual or investment income, multiple sources of income, because ‘just one job’ doesn’t provide enough to live on (especially for large families). What do youRead… Read more »

Use a Word Cloud to See if You Are Emphasizing the Right Keywords in Your Resume

Word Cloud. You’ve probably seen one but may not have realized what it is. A word cloud is a randomly arranged combination of words or phrases meant to visually represent the words or ideas that are most prominent in a document. The more a phrase or word appears in a document, the larger it willRead… Read more »

Job Search Blunders: How to Fail Your Phone Interview

Direct from the recruiter’s mouth we have these top tips on how to screw up your phone interview. Follow them the next time you’re hoping not to get the job. 1. Call from the office you’re still working at. And be sure to mention how much you hate your current job. Nothing says dedicated employeeRead… Read more »

I would’ve eaten glass to get this job

Moving to the bureaucracy from the world of NGOs, for me, meant serious growing pains. I really, really wanted a job in the public service. I would have eaten glass in sharp, jagged pieces to make my casual position a permanent job — if my manager would’ve asked. I did whatever I was told, evenRead… Read more »