Want the Job? Ask for It!
Simply asking for the job isn’t enough to land a position but, backed by your skills and qualifications, confidence and enthusiasm can go a long way.
Simply asking for the job isn’t enough to land a position but, backed by your skills and qualifications, confidence and enthusiasm can go a long way.
A cover letter can be a powerful tool for landing yourself an interview. It can give a better glimpse into your personality and how you’ll fit with the company culture than a simple resume, and it can give you a chance to provide a context around your achievements. A poorly-written cover letter, on the otherRead… Read more »
Do you have the new job jitters? That anticipation period between getting the offer and starting a new job can be nerve wracking. While it’s important to use this time for things like relaxing and taking a well-needed break (particularly if you’re transitioning from one job to another, or have been pounding the pavement forRead… Read more »
“Get smart” means paying attention to co-workers, friends, family, spouse, or a partner. Nothing brings more stress to interpersonal relationships than carrying frustrations home after work. Get smart means getting smart. Being aware of all this takes work. Being smart about the law, political motivations, and social context is part of our job. It is… Read more »
Ghost Whisperer, iRobot, and many crime shows depend on detective work based on access to other people’s memories.Young people need expertise that gets them out of their chairs and to step away from their computers. Administrative ghost whisperers, younger staff or not, should seek out older staff. That experience should not be disregarded as a… Read more »
The other day, while I was thinking about what to write for this week’s post, I got to thinking about the rise of reality television. I was pretty young when it started…but it has become a pretty big part of popular culture. One of the more peculiar reality shows I remember was one that wasRead… Read more »
It’s one of those weeks – maybe one of those months – when you’re so overwhelmed and frustrated with work than you can barely see straight. Your inbox is swamped with inane requests, your boss just gave you a passive aggressive review, and if your coworker leaves her empty soda cans in the sink one more timeRead… Read more »
It possible to train yourself to become happier? This question fascinates me, which is why I was intrigued by this infographic from the folks at Happify, a site where you can sign up for a daily regimen of scientifically-backed happiness-boosting games. The infographic is based on current research on what makes people happier at work,Read… Read more »
What did you have to tell yourself to get out of bed this morning? How did you pump yourself up on the commute in to work? We all have days when we need a good pep talk, but if you’re telling yourself one of these 6 lies to get going every day, it may beRead… Read more »
You are the happiest government employee in your agency just about now! You received the long awaited call from your human resource (HR). You got it! Yes! Yes! She, the HR Specialist called you to offer you the position. In fact, she even asked you if you are still interested in the position! How couldRead… Read more »