Posts Tagged: jobs

Celebrating National Purchasing Month: 2011 procurement review

Deltek Principal Analyst Jason Sajko reports. Deltek has been tracking and working to improve state and local government purchasing for more than 10 years. To celebrate National Purchasing Month, we have provided analysis of different procurement strategies, expenditure reviews (and another), and now we take a look at 2011’s nationwide state and local government procurementRead… Read more »

Securing Your Network with BYOD, Multiple Devices and Preparing for the Future Workforce

Today I will be live blogging at the Cisco Government Solutions Forum. The session I just attended, Establishing Trust Within the Enterprise and Beyond, is part of the Managing Risks in a Dynamic Network Environment track. This track explores security and identifies that managing risks is always part of the conversation on technology. One ofRead… Read more »

“Make It So!”

A previous post, “Putting Commercial Back in Commercial Item Contracting,” lead to an interview Monday afternoon with host Francis Rose on Federal News Radio’s “In-Depth.” During the course of the interview Francis asked if I had seen changes in behavior as a result of the Administration’s “Myth-Busters” campaign. I responded by citing GSA’s willingness toRead… Read more »

Good morning, here are political law links for Wed., March 21, 2012

IE UNIT CHIEF NAMED. Roll Call. “House Republicans are appointing three top operatives to manage the vast majority of their campaign spending this fall, including the first woman to run a GOP Congressional committee’s independent expenditure unit.” LOBBYING WORLD MOVES. The Hill. MONEY EDGE GOES TO… Story here. “The Republican primary has become a massiveRead… Read more »

12 Signs You Might Be A Bully

There has been a great deal of attention focused on the issue of bullying among children. The news media frequently highlights cases of bullying among children that at times result in a child that has been bullied committing suicide. Bullying among adults especially in the workplace also happens more than it should and is drawingRead… Read more »

Are You Collaborating for Survival and Success?

Given the turbulent and changing times facing government organizations, it seems that trying to go it alone no longer makes sense but can result in serious downside risks to long-term survival. We all have to learn how to work smarter within the reality of ever declining resources. The importance of collaboration is more apparent thanRead… Read more »