Posts Tagged: jobs

GAO Report: Effort to Consolidate Governmentwide Acquisition Data Systems Should Be Reassessed

Today I read through a recent acquisition report from GAO: Effort to Consolidate Government Wide Acquisition Data Systems Should Be Reassessed. There are a lot of interesting observations within the report. GAO performed the study to assess the acquisition strategy being used to develop the Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE). The report finds that progress hasRead… Read more »

A Blueprint for Data Center Consolidation

This morning I attended the GovLoop Conversation Event sponsored by Oracle: Your Agencies’ Data Center Consolidation Blueprint: Applying Yesterday’s Lessons to Tomorrow’s Success at District Architecture. The event had a great discussion about data center consolidation and some of the challenges facing the federal government. Data center consolidation has turned into one of the hotRead… Read more »

Federal budget cuts change how government manages acquisitions

As budget cuts loom, the government has been changing its behavior when acquiring new technology. The DorobekINSIDER’s Chris Dorobek spoke with Warren Suss about how these budgetary constraints are affecting government contracting and vendor services. Warren says some companies overreact to a couple of percentage points being cut from an agency’s budget and make drasticRead… Read more »

The changing face of acquisition, disposing of your hardware, and States and local gov’s go digital

The changing face of acquisition, disposing of your hardware, and States and local gov’s go digital by GovLoop Insights Happy Tuesday. Up front today… two interesting items that sure show how times are changing. One… would would guess we would ever say Bon Jovi, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Urban DevelopmentRead… Read more »

DIY government holiday

We’ve all pretty much accepted that St. Patrick’s day is a new American holiday, regardless of the amount of Irish whiskey blood pumping through your veins. Around the country, we observe this day by drinking beer and wearing sparkly green pants and shamrock sunglasses. What do we do to observe non-religious holidays? President’s Day, MemorialRead… Read more »

What’s the Most Creative Use of Old Government Equipment You’ve Seen?

A couple weeks ago, the General Services Administration (GSA) released a bulletin offering guidance to agencies on acceptable ways to repurpose and recycle old government technology. I started another discussion around it last week and we invited GSA’s Jan Dobbs to come on our GovLoop Insights podcast show with Chris Dorobek so that we couldRead… Read more »

Citizen Surveillance and the Coming Challenge for Public Institutions

The other day I stumbled over this intriguing article which describes how a group of residents in Vancouver have started to surveille the police as they do their work in the downtown eastside, one of the poorest and toughest neighborhoods in Canada. The reason is simple. Many people – particularly those who are marginalized andRead… Read more »

Is Loyalty a Thing of the Past?

Recently I had lunch with one of my best friends. She re-entered the workforce a year ago after staying home when her kids were little. She wanted to know my opinion on loyalty in the work place. Does it exist? Do people feel an attachment to their employer? In her case, she said she feltRead… Read more »

Are You a Mentor or an Egocentrist?

A government-wide emphasis on passing along knowledge from one generation of federal workers to the next was underscored last week when the Senate passed legislation that includes a plan for Feds to work part time while mentoring newer hires and easing into retirement. Even OPM Chief John Berry was mentored early in his career andRead… Read more »

GovCons News Roundup, Week Ending Mar. 16, 2012

Deltek editor Anthony Critelli reports. Socioeconomic Program Issues Last week, the federal government took action on two socioeconomic programs that haven’t been meeting their goals of increasing opportunities for the targeted groups. The Fairness in Women-Owned Small Business Contracting Act of 2012 was introduced on March 7 to address two areas in which women-owned smallRead… Read more »