Posts Tagged: jobs

Coding Better Government

I was laid up sick all last week and didn’t have time to put anything together. Rather than leave you hanging, I’m just going to point you at this TED talk about Coding Better Government by Code for America Founder Jennifer Pahlka. Cheers Originally published by Nick Charney at subscribe/connect Original post

Overcoming Obstacles to Social Media Use in Government

Participants in the Government Social Media Class offered by Digital Government University’s recently compiled a list of common arguments they’ve heard against the use of social media in government. How do you counter–firmly, but politely–these arguments? Are there any others that you encounter and have had to defend against? Please respond to these and addRead… Read more »

Do you need a “TempGig” until you land a Federal job? How about working at the 2012 Olympics?

Yes, I think I just coined a new GovLoop term–TempGig. You would have to go to London, however. It looks like they are hiring for everything from IT professionals, translators, chefs, to drivers. Could be a fun gig though! Here is a snapshot of top Olympics salaries: Job Title Olympics Salary National Average % DifferenceRead… Read more »

Strategies to Increase Digital Literacy and Accessibility

Microsoft had an interesting blog series all surrounding the digital divide, accessibility and strategies to help overcome the digital divide. The digital divide can be looked at through multiple lenses – but at the core, the digital divide relates to accessibility for all. The Microsoft series identifies a 2010 IDC study that finds 50% ofRead… Read more »

Opening Up Government: Using Data to Stimulate Economic Growth

Recently IBM released a report, Opening Up Government: How to Unleash the Power of Information for New Economic Growth. If you are interested in open government, I highly recommend taking a look at the report. There are many elements that I did not touch upon in this quick summary. One example would be there isRead… Read more »

Federal Employee Pay Raise in 2013 – Federal Pay vs. Private Sector Pay – Which is higher?

According to this article, Will Federal Employees Get a Pay Raise in 2013?, it depends. This is an interesting article, including the comments. Most every day I hear “I am looking for Federal job so I can have more stability,” from people who are willing to take a pay cut, perhaps thinking the Federal benefitsRead… Read more »

Federal Employee Pay Raise in 2013 – Federal Pay vs. Private Sector Pay – Which is higher?

According to this article, Will Federal Employees Get a Pay Raise in 2013?, it depends. This is an interesting article, including the comments. Most every day I hear “I am looking for Federal job so I can have more stability,” from people who are willing to take a pay cut, perhaps thinking the Federal benefitsRead… Read more »

The polarizing power of open government — could ambiguity be the culprit?

Take out your shades because its Sunshine week. The annual event is aimed at making the government more open and transparent. But what does it mean to be open and transparent? The terms are a bit ambiguous…and we all know ambiguity can be polarizing…especially in politics. So we set out to get some clarity onRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Californians May Soon Present Insurance via Mobile when Pulled Over

California Assemblyman Mike Gatto, while looking for ways to ease the hassles of life on Californians, has authored a bill allowing for proof of insurance and auto registration to be presented via mobile device when pulled over. If signed into law the bill would make life easier because many young Californians, according to Gatto, payRead… Read more »

Outlook for Social Media Innovation in Government

Social media provides great opportunities for government agencies to connect with citizens. Through social media, providing access to information and reaching citizens can be done easier than ever before. Most studies show staggering upward trends of adoption rates and increased use of social networks. Since many of these platforms are still relatively new, it willRead… Read more »