Posts Tagged: jobs

New challenge hopes twitter can catch crooks, Fuse Corp takes off, saying goodbye to a TSP Pioneer

New challenge hopes twitter can catch crooks, Fuse Corp takes off, saying goodbye to a TSP Pioneer by GovLoop Insights So… day two of GovLoop Insight’s DorobekINSIDER. Thanks so much for being here. Here is what we have for you today… * We all remember tag — we all played it as kids. But whatRead… Read more »

Steve Case Tells America How To “Control Alt Compete”

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Creating jobs, improving the economy through innovation, and increasing America’s global competitiveness are incredibly important right now, and a lot of the improvement in these areas will come from small “startup” businesses in major metro areas around the country. In that vein, the Startup America partnership welcomed people to aRead… Read more »

Is Iran Stirring The Pot? US counter-terrorism officials say as the anticipation of a confrontation with Tehran over their nuclear program appears to be looming they believe that Iran is now providing “weapons and money” to various groups in an effort “to start as many bush fires as possible” with the goal of distracting the US and other regionalRead… Read more »

What’s In a Name? Clarity

Gerry McGovern’s recent blog post about “content strategy” got me thinking about the importance of words and – specifically – names. If you don’t know Gerry (and you should), he is an internationally known web content specialist. And one of his major products is helping his customers understand that the words they use have everythingRead… Read more »

Victoria, BC launches new open data project using justice data

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada is launching a new open data project focused on its justice system. The provincial government has created an online portal called Justice BC, which provides several new data sets about criminal proceedings and justice reform. Government officials hope to spark broader citizen engagement and raise awareness about the current challenges justiceRead… Read more »

6 Words & 4 Reasons I’m Excited about Introducing DorobekInsider

I’m excited to introduce our GovLoop Insights Dorobek Daily radio show launching today at noon. DoD Cuts, Leadership Challenges and More – DorobekINISIDER, episode 1 by GovLoop Insights For those that have been paying attention, this is an extension of our weekly Insights podcast we’ve been conducting for the past few months at EveryRead… Read more »

Common Criteria: What Some Vendors Don’t Tell You

via …and some New Developments. A Little Background Since the European ITSEC and US TCSEC product security evaluation mechanisms were merged into the Common Criteria in around 1998, lots of vendors’ product literature has sported EAL numbers regarding how well-tested their products are. What isn’t typically seen in such documents, though, is detail ofRead… Read more »