Posts Tagged: jobs

Web Manager University Gets New Name. Same Great Training

Web Manager University, the federal government’s training program for web, new media, and citizen engagement managed by GSA, has changed its name to DigitalGov University (DGU). We changed our name to reflect the growing demand to help agencies serve customers through digital media and citizen engagement. Our broad curriculum includes training in social media, citizenRead… Read more »

Austerity and Innovation: (For/N)ever the Two Shall Meet?

In a recent GovernmentExecutive – Management Matters article, Jeffrey Neal makes a simple (in theory) yet revolutionary (in practice) argument: in this time budget restrictions and making more happen with less resources, leaders are in a perfect position to create innovation in their agencies. On all levels, innovative thinking can create major cost savings: fromRead… Read more »

Using Technology Infrastructure to Solve Public Sector Challenges: Microsoft Blog Series

Microsoft is just wrapping up a blog series across all their public sector verticals. With the blog series, Microsoft is hoping to inspire visionary and transfomative ideas across the public sector. Microsoft stated: Our goal with this series is to create inspiration across public sector with visionary ideas, fueled by technology. We aim to encourageRead… Read more »

ESRI Federal User Conference Recap: Plenary Session

This morning I attended the Plenary Session of the ESRI Federal User Conference. The Plenary Session had a great presentation by ESRI President Jack Dangermond and Department of the Interior Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes. Jack’s presentation focused on providing an overview of ESRI and presented a vision of future implications for ESRI and GISRead… Read more »

Pentagon Social Media Secrets Revealed

(Original Image: The Pentagon, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) David B. Gleason) Secrets and the Pentagon go hand in hand, right? So when the Pentagon decided to host an event for Social Media Week at the fabled five-walled Department of Defense headquarters called “Military & Government Use of Social Media: What Works,” we were doubtfulRead… Read more »

Changing the government IT landscape with CloudStore

On Sunday, February 19, the Government Procurement Service officially launched CloudStore for UK central government and local authorities. The UK government first proposed the G-Cloud initiative over two years ago with the goal of bringing a wider range of cloud suppliers to the public sector while increasing the flexibility of procurement contracts. The programme wantedRead… Read more »

It’s Easy to Find Government Information

Like it or not, government is a big presence in the United States. The considerable number of bureaus, departments, and offices has always made it difficult for citizens to find their way around. And then the Internet arrived. Today, the United States government has just about the largest internet presence on earth. And it’s allRead… Read more »

7 Signs Of A High Performance Local Government

All organizations have their own unique culture. The culture in great organizations is visible from how positive and engaged employees are between themselves and when interacting with customers. In a previous post I highlighted 7 signs of a dysfunctional organization. Steve Tobak of CBS wrote an article titled 7 Signs of a High-Performance Company,Read… Read more »

Suggestions from Google as to What Makes a Great Website

Http://LeonardSipes.Com; a PR and social media site for government, associations and nonprofits. It’s not often the Google Gods come down from on high and tell us what makes a great website; they just keep repeating their mantra that what’s good for search and people is good for Google. Yep, it’s understood that websites and theirRead… Read more »

You can’t expect citizens to engage with you if you don’t engage with them

I am proud of how far many Australians governments have come in their online use over the last few years. A number of agencies have begun embracing the new tools available to communicate with the public. They are blogging, tweeting and facebooking, bypassing traditional media to share their news publicly with the Australian community. NextRead… Read more »