Posts Tagged: jobs

Mobile app design and organization

Mobile apps are hot. Everyone’s got one, from grocery stores to travel companies to whisky distillers. Last week Rob Giggey began an interesting discussion about whether or not agencies/departments within a single government entity should have their own mobile apps.Should we separate a public library database search from emergency services and general info into theirRead… Read more »

Does Your Local Government Have “An Open Government Team”?

The City of Reno Nevada (population 220,000) has created an Open Government Team, which on their web site is described below as: Open Government Team We are currently forming an internal Open Government Team led by our Web Services Manager. Team members will come from all departments and all levels, with the intention of supportingRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Electronic Government Fund Would Grow Slightly Under President's Plan

Important government transparency programs would receive a small boost if the President’s proposed budget for FY 2013 were enacted. The Electronic Government Fund, which supports, the IT Spending Dashboard, and, among other programs, would increase by $4.2 million in FY 2013, from $12.4 million in FY 2013 to $16.665 million in FY 2013.Read… Read more »

The perils of legislating channels (and the issue of website filters)

The Australian Parliament House recently released their new website – a major step-up from the previous site. However in reading an article about it on ZDNet I discovered that the APH had, in the process, decided to block an entire top-level domain (.info) from view by the Parliament and the thousands of people working atRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: 'Back to the Source': Military Defense Contractors, Lobbyists Support Mrs. McKeon

Military defense contractors and lobbyists are rushing to support the wife of Congressional House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon in her bid for California state assembly, according to a Slate article earlier this month. The article reports that in the first few months of fundraising, Patricia McKeon was able to collect $19,200 from defenseRead… Read more »

Sending a Meatier Message

I lived for many years in an Iowa town that had a large pork meatpacking plant (Cargill Meat Solutions), a good employer and active participant in the community. I toured it once and took note of the cleanliness — and the cold workplace temperature. In a later conversation about the visit, a couple employees jokedRead… Read more »

Open for Business: Leveraging Open Government to Improve Agency Operations, Part 2

This is the second post in a three part series about the newly released Open Text report, Open For Business: Leveraging Open Government to Improve Agency Operations. I’d encourage you to check out the newly released open government analyst briefing by the Government Business Council, the research arm of Government Executive magazine, and OpenText. TheRead… Read more »

Six Ways Politicians Can Use Pinterest

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — If you were living in a cave during the last quarter of 2011, you may have missed out on hearing about Pinterest – the hottest new social platform to hit the tech scene in some time. Judged by leading tech blog TechCrunch as the best new startup of 2011, PinterestRead… Read more »

I Stand for My Rights & Privacy: The Coming Online Police State

“He can either stand with us or with the child pornographers.” This was Mr. Toews’s, the Minister of Justice, counterattack to a question in the house regarding concerns of letting the police monitor citizens internet use without a warrant. Apparently this is our choice: a big brother state or child pornography. This is, of course,Read… Read more »