Posts Tagged: jobs

Sunlight Foundation: Almost 400 former House staffers registered to lobby in last two years

The revolving door is alive and well in Washington. In less than three years, at least 378 House staffers employed in personal and committee offices have left Capitol Hill to become registered lobbyists, a Sunlight Foundation analysis of House disbursement data and federal lobbying records finds. More than two in five former House staffers whoRead… Read more »

Many national laws are increasingly irrelevant – how will governments adapt?

Facebook decides whether photos of nursing mothers are allowed to be displayed in its site (including in Australia and other nations where such photos are legal). Google leaves China to avoid complying with its national censorship laws. Gaming and gambling websites base themselves in jurisdictions where they are legal while attracting most of their customersRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: 2Day in #OpenGov 2/7/2012

Policy Fellow Matt Rumsey wrote this post. Here is Tuesday’s take on transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Campaign Finance More than a third of advertising related to the presidential race has come from nonprofit groups that can keep their donors secret. (Washington Post) Rep.Read… Read more »

HR Professionals, Social Media, and Talent Acquisition of the Future

By Ebony Scurry, PHR, GCDF-I Social Media for HR Professional Development Should HR professionals be using social media tools? Being connected with social media tools can make it easy for an HR professional to stay up to date on the latest trends and resources that will impact themselves and their customers. Human Resources professionals canRead… Read more »

New Post from UAP’s Max Stephenson: The Idea of the Nation

Max Stephenson From the Institute for Policy and Governance blog: “Some 30 years ago the eminent political scientist Samuel Beer wrote an article for the New Republic in which he questioned the implications for what he called the idea of the nation of then President Reagan’s declaration that “government” was the nation’s most pressing challenge.Read… Read more »

Should Government Contractors Be Banned From Making Political Contributions?

Legislation banning government contractors from making political contributions to government officials often called “Pay to Play” exists in eleven states. Three cities in New Jersey: Newark, Jersey City, and Hoboken also have enacted legislation prohibiting Pay to Play. Companies and individuals that conduct business with cities and counties often provide the lion’s share of campaignRead… Read more »

Internship with Northern Virginia Emergency Response System

From the Northern Virginia Emergency Response System: “Seeking part time graduate intern for Northern Virginia Emergency Response System (NVERS) The Northern Virginia Emergency Response System (NVERS) is seeking to fill a part-time paid graduate intern position. The NVERS team supports emergency preparedness projects that include, but are not limited to: coordinating training, policies, and processesRead… Read more »

Disaster Recovery Anyone?

Is there anyone at the state government level who is involved with disaster recovery implementation and testing? I’d be especially interesting in hearing from people in DHSS. Here’s the deal in a nutshell. Delaware Health & Social Services (and more broadly, Delaware state government in general) contracts with a private company to help us withRead… Read more »

Federal CIO pushes US Agencies into Mobile Device Management

Mobile Device Management is a growing solution in both the public and private sector. The United States Chief Information Officer Steven Van Roekel launched an initiative in January to increase the adoption rate of Mobile Technologies and by the end of March a comprehensive federal mobile technologies strategy should be released. The January initiative allowedRead… Read more »