Posts Tagged: jobs

Weekly Round-up: February 03, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Gov 2.Overseas! Across the Pond. Alex Howard covers the release of GOV.UK, which in time is slated to be a single portal through which Brits can access all government agencies and, in Alex’s words, “aims [to] deliver[] faster digital services to citizens through a much improved user interface at decreased cost.” Importantly, andRead… Read more »

Requests for Endorsements: My Application to Attend The Open Government Partnership

Dear friends, Below (first in english then in a rough french translation – my spoken is much better than my written so I’ve relied on Google translate) is my application letter to attend the April 16-18 Annual Open Government Partnership meeting in Brasilia as a Civil Society Representative. The first reason I’m posting this isRead… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 3 February 2012

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web Top Ten Tips from Mobile Web Experts – Forbes Don’t just scale down your desktop site and try to squeeze as much as you can into the little screen. Use the mobile development process to prune your offerings to the most essential. The next step |Read… Read more »

Typewriters and Carbon Paper Still Being Used In Government

It is amazing how behind the times many government offices are when it comes to technology. New York City has put out a bid to replace 1,172 typewriters, which are primarily used to complete carbon copy forms that are not computerized. As the New York Post reports: The last city contract for typewriters, issued fiveRead… Read more »

State election websites measured as to effectiveness

Http://LeonardSipes.Com The research below from the Pew Center on the States measured every election website in the country as to services provided and the ability of people to locate the site. If one wonders how government websites are progressing, this research is a barometer. The data provides a comprehensive look at every variable measured; itRead… Read more »

How to Rock the Comma in 3 Easy Rules!

On the internet, my persona is “Vocab Gal” and my brother’s is “Mr. GovLoop,” which leads one to the idea that our parents instilled in us a love of words and the feds, which is rather true. My mother and I are both teachers, and my brother and father both government men (my father workedRead… Read more »

GovBytes: NYC Tests Potential Solution to Parking Woes

Those living in cities are more than familiar with circling blocks for parking spots, unable to find one. New York City, however, is testing a solution that’s been tried in San Francisco. NYC will be utilizing small sensors placed on the ground in parking spots which will transmit information on whether or not a parkingRead… Read more »

How should agencies moderate their online channels?

While government agencies often have limited options in the approaches they choose to use for moderating third-party social media channels, there’s a number of ways they can choose to moderate channels under their control, including blogs, forums and wikis. There’s limited official guidance, and no real mandates or instructions for particular moderation approaches available acrossRead… Read more »

City of Honolulu Launches “Honolulu 311” Developed by CitySourced

CitySourced Inc., has launched ‘Honolulu 311.’ This is a smartphone reporting system which allows citizens to use smartphones to report abandoned vehicles, broken street lights, illegal dumping and a variety of other issues. “The Honolulu 311 system will help Honolulu become a lean, clean, smart city through the use of technology,” Honolulu Mayor Peter CarlisleRead… Read more »

E-books’ popularity rising, some students not following trend

E-books’ popularity rising, UR students not following trend By MATTHEW VOLKOV · Published on February 02, 2012 8:52 AM · News Drue Sokol, Photo Editor On Jan. 19, Apple, Inc. released a new version of its iBooks digital bookstore, the latest in a recent surge of new technologies. The increasing popularity of digital reading,Read… Read more »