Posts Tagged: jobs

Contract Duplication Challenges Continue

Contract Duplication remains a challenge for government and industry and is an issue that the Coalition will continue to highlight in the interest of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the procurement system. Duplicative contracts for the same or similar commercial products and services increase government and contractor administrative, bid and proposal and other overheadRead… Read more »

Georgia considers bill to curb municipal broadband

Some Georgia lawmakers are taking a page from North Carolina’s playbook in order to limit municipal broadband projects in the state. Georgia Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers is sponsoring a bill that he says is designed to keep government from unfairly competing against incumbent broadband providers. The bill makes the same kinds of arguments includedRead… Read more »

1967 called. They want their Performance Management System back.

GEAR. The Performance Management Pilot you’ve never heard of. In November 2011, the Employee Performance Management Workgroup put forth a set of recommendations to help catapult our federal government into the arena of 21st century performance strategy. The five key goals they’d like agencies to address are as follows: Articulate a High-Performance Culture Align EmployeeRead… Read more »

SOCOM’s Technology Wish List

Photo credit wikipedia Special Operations Command (SOCOM) recently released a Broad Agency Announcement soliciting proposals for several types of technologies that they are looking for in cooperation with the private sector. Here at Crucial Point LLC, we are interested in all forms of disrupted technologies and after looking at why we are calling SOCOM’s ‘wishRead… Read more »

Who are you rooting for on the ice?

Happy Friday Everyone! Time for our weekly GEICO Friday Fun Video! Well folks, it’s winter time, which means one thing: hockey season. Who are you rooting for on the ice? Check out how hockey has changed over the past 75 years: What was the best thing about GEICO 75 years ago? The savings. And they’reRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Federal Workers, Rate Your Satisfaction

This spring, the Obama Administration is launching the first Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, where both part time and full time federal employees can express how satisfied they are with their jobs. This data will be used by the Partnership for Public Service to make reports such as the “Best Places to Work in Government”report. OPMRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: January 27, 2012

Updated to include Dan Chenok’s contributions. Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Metaphor Edition! Is Identifying-information Radioactive? Cory Doctorow makes the case that it is in the Guardian article, “Personal data is as hot as nuclear waste.” Great sub-head: “We should treat personal electronic data with the same care and respect as weapons-grade plutonium – it is dangerous,Read… Read more »

That fundamental change we’ve been talking about

Visual notes taken by @Prugelmeister at #goc3 Wednesday I attended Collaborative Management Day. The highlight of the day for me was watching the Clerk of the Privy Council listen intently and respond genuinely as a handful of public servants from across the country asked him questions, sought his support and even expressed their frustrations. TheRead… Read more »

When will we see gamification in government?

Gamification refers to the practice of making non-game activities more like games by incorporating achievement-based reward systems. Under gamification, using government examples, when your project or mission is complete you might receive a ‘completion badge’ (such as a letter from the Secretary, an Australia Day Award, or a medal). Or when you attain a higherRead… Read more »