Posts Tagged: jobs The Greek Open Government Initiative

Via Alex Moll on Twitter, I just came across, the website for the Greek Open Government Initiative. From the English language version: has been designed to serve the principles of transparency, deliberation, collaboration and accountability and includes three initiatives: Οpen calls for the recruitment of public administration officials. Top level and mid-level openingsRead… Read more »

Bringing Lean Management To New York State

In January of 2011 shortly after taking office as Governor, Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order creating the Spending and Government Efficiency (SAGE) Commission. The purpose of SAGE is to modernize and rightsize government to make it more efficient, effective and accountable. On December 15, 2011, the SAGE Commission met and approved some interesting recommendations.Read… Read more »

Top 6 Essentials of a Government Start-up Accelerator

Love the idea of the new government-focused startup accelerator created by Code for America. We need more talented entrepreneurs working hard to solving government problems (instead of just creating iphone apps or another new games). Government is a huge market so it’s potentially lucrative for entrepreneurs and also really meaningful as there are deeply importantRead… Read more »

Framework for the Virtual Government Network

Update Here is a video of me talking about the VGN at the PS Engage conference. ————— Original post with a link to the paper. ————— The following material comes from a paper I recently finished as part of my studies. I took the opportunity to combine what I have learned about Information ManagementRead… Read more »