Posts Tagged: jobs

Don’t Worry; Trust the Government – Why Citizen Engagement is Difficult

It’s a rather obvious observation that the modern world is complex and confusing. There is a lot that have major influences on our lives but we don’t know much about. Things like climate change, global poverty, Mideast peace, etc. When we feel ignorant about a subject that affects us personally, we do research to learnRead… Read more »

Top 5 Local Government Sites in the State of Utah

The universe of local government sites is so large that I doubt that most evaluations of local sites even look at more than one percent of what’s out there. Because I am intimately involved in government in Utah, I examined over 300 local government sites in the state (city and county). What follows is myRead… Read more »

What do You, Government, and GIS Have in Common?

In Washington, we see our fair share of conferences on a variety of topics. Sometimes we learn a ton, and others, we feel completely lost. I love attending conferences that are full of learning and innovation, but also relevant to me and what I do on a daily basis. Have your heard about Geographic InformationRead… Read more »

Top 5 GovGirl Videos of 2011

I launched on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, 2011. I had already been blogging for a year on online government, but I wanted to try using video to connect with a larger audience. The results were not what I expected. From the outset, I envisioned GovGirl as a place for other women in digital governmentRead… Read more »

Top 5 US Federal Agency Websites in 2011

Government agencies have not always been known as leaders of the web design industry. However, in recent years and even months, there have been a few that truly are on the cutting edge of quality design and user experience. Granted, not every agency requires a modern, flashy, public-facing website, but if your agency engages theRead… Read more »

The Do’s and Dont’s of Subcontracting Agreements

Partnering in the federal government can be done in different ways. Since we have briefly touched on Contractor Teaming Agreements, or CTA’s in past posts I want to talk about subcontractor agreements. Normally vendors with little to none government experience obtain sub agreements. A sub agreement is also a great way for contractors who doRead… Read more »

Emily’s story

Growing up, I equated public service with careers in the federal government. When I read about City Hall Fellows, I was inspired by the program’s mission to have recent college graduates understand how municipal government serves its citizens while interacting within the larger contexts of state and national government. I liked the balance of workRead… Read more »

A grim future for state mental health services

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) released a report in November that drew light to the impacts of continued state funding cuts to mental health services and, subsequently, states’ ability to provide services to individuals with mental illness. While strapped budgets and slashed expenditures are commonplace in today’s economy, it’sRead… Read more »