Posts Tagged: jobs

What’s the most important Gov 2.0 or open government story of 2011? Why?

2011 is almost over and, with the promise of new year, it’s time to look back at the year that was. Here on Govloop, the community has already been discussing the issue of the year. So far, the threat of a government shutdown has led the list. A related issue –“austerity” — was the storyRead… Read more »

Government Big Data Solutions Award Nominee: Dr. Ronald Taylor, PNNL

The Government Big Data Solutions Award was established to highlight innovative solutions and facilitate the exchange of best practices, lessons learned and creative ideas for addressing Big Data challenges. The top five nominees and overall winner was announced at Hadoop World in New York City on November 8 2011. The Government Big Data Solutions AwardRead… Read more »

Information Technology: Enabling Management Productivity

Dan Chenok recently posted this article to the Business of Government’s blog. I thought it would be of interest to the GovLoop community! Federal CIO VanRoekel recently spoke about the Administration’s renewed focus on improving productivity within the federal government. One key to success is the strategic use of IT to improve how agencies manageRead… Read more »

Relevancy and Government Service

Http://LeonardSipes.Com It’s rare when an article moves you to a thorough understanding of any issue but Adam Hartung’s “Why the Postal Service is Going Out of Business” in Forbes is one of them. The lessons also apply to all aspects of government, association and nonprofit service. As to the Post Office Hartung writes that, “ThereRead… Read more »

VanRoekel Address Federal IT Community

This morning I had the pleasure of listening to Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel at the Ronald Reagan Building. The event was hosted by ACT-IAC (American Councils for Technology – Industry Advisory Council). VanRoekel gave a fascinating presentation highlighting the challenges of Federal IT reform. The presentation was titled, Our Moment – the information from theRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Monday, Mobility and Modeen

Happy Friday GovLoopers! Hope you have gotten your holiday shopping list under control! Here is your Fab Five for the week! Top Forum: Monday Morning Meetings…? Pass. by Michelle Rosenblum. Michelle contemplates the effectiveness of having a meeting first thing Monday morning. Are people really awake yet from the weekend to have this be productiveRead… Read more »

IBM Center Round Up, December 12 – 16

Okay, so we weren’t going to publish a Round Up this week since several of us are on vacation, but here are three stories I didn’t want to sit on since they are long and you might want to read them during leisure moments during your holiday vacation! This is a detail-rich case study ofRead… Read more »

Is Creativity The Number 1 Leadership Skill Needed Today?

A study by IBM of 1,500 Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) from different size organizations, 60 countries and 33 industries determined creativity to be the number 1 leadership skill needed by CEOs managing companies today. As one CEO stated “We need to find, recognize and reward creativity.” The seeds of creativity must be spread throughout anRead… Read more »