Posts Tagged: jobs

RIP Virginia Tech Police Officer, Deriek W. Crouse

Everyday, we have our military, law enforcement officials, and government workers (at all levels of government… federal, state, and local) put themselves out there in danger when they are in the line of duty. Today was no different. Deriek W. Crouse, a Virginia Tech campus police officer, was shot and killed during a routine trafficRead… Read more »

How is best to communicate with residents through snowy conditions?

Hello from across the pond, It’s now December and icy roads, closed schools and uncollected bins tend to dominate local government over the coming months. Residents rush to council websites seeking to report problems and find information. Increasingly, there is an expectation for this data to be real time. So what should councils be doing?Read… Read more »

What is the Opposite of a Solar Subsidy?

The answer, apparently, might be something like India’s recent solar auction. India has a goal of installing 20,000 megawatts of solar power by 2022. But instead of subsidizing the industry to spur growth, India has set up a reverse auction. According to a recent article in Bloomberg, under the program, the government [of India] proposedRead… Read more »

Government IT Trends in 2012

By Doug Krueger, Blue Coat Federal Originally published on the BluePrint blog It’s hard to believe that 2011 is coming to an end and that we are ramping up for the New Year. Around this time of year, our favorite publications are full of their predictions and while they are interesting to read, this yearRead… Read more »

GBE101: Grant (Sponsored Project) Funding, part 1 of 14

Welcome to this ongoing series on grants and/or sponsored funding. This series is designed for businesses with a highlighted Metro DCite focus from the Government Business Examiner for Washington DC. An additional series is being shared on the National Writing Examiner, with a suite of sister data relative to authors, educators, writer community organizations, andRead… Read more »

GovLoop Scavenger Hunt: Browse. Discover Icons. Win!

Ready to celebrate? Thanks to you, there are 50,000 members on GovLoop with whom we can collaborate with and solve government problems together. And if that isn’t reason to celebrate, I don’t know what is! Next Thursday (12/8) we are hosting a 50K Member Extravaganza! We’ll be feeding govies in DC, putting on our dancingRead… Read more »

Should Contract Savings Go to Gov Employees?

What I’m positing will be controversial to many. If a government employee is clearly and directly responsible for realized savings on a contract, should 1% of contract savings, capped at $10,000 per year across all contracts, go to the employee as an award for good work? I know that the federal government will give whistleblowersRead… Read more »