Posts Tagged: jobs

Social Security Administration Takes First Step in Rescinding Questionable Retirement Review

Rescission order creates gaping loophole for Social Security fraud, says union. The American Federation of Government Employees cried foul today on the Social Security Administration’s plans to rescind Social Security Rulings 66-1c and 91-1c, which allow the agency to question retirement allegations made by corporate officers and the self-employed. “Development of questionable retirement allegations haveRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up December 02, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda On December 07, GSA is presenting a Webinar on social media metrics that I will be moderating. Here are some of the articles that I’m likely to touch on: Make it like a game. As the Apps for Healthy Kids site can attest, people are more likely to do the things they shouldRead… Read more »

In a rapidly changing world, seconds count. You can’t miss this conversation.

It used to take years for revolutions to organize. The American Revolution took seven years; the Greek Revolution took eight years, and the French Revolution took ten years. Today, revolutions take only a few days. Consider the 82 day Orange Revolution; the 28 day Tunisian Revolution; and the 18 day Egyptian Revolution. In early November,Read… Read more »

Economic Insights from South Korea are Applicable in the U.S.

In this edition of The Gallery, Robert Campbell discusses key lessons state and local governments can take away from other governments across the world. Specifically, economies that are currently thriving despite this tough global economic climate. Sometimes we have to go outside of our borders to attain a clearer perspective on what is going onRead… Read more »

Thoughts on this week’s Presidential Memorandum on Records Management

The White House on Records Management: ‘We Can’t Wait’ “Records management can’t wait,” President Barack Obama told the federal government agencies yesterday, via presidential memorandum. It’s likely the federal government could learn a lot from state and local government agencies who have already embraced records management. Maybe you can, too. The president hopes to transformRead… Read more »