Posts Tagged: jobs

The Canadian Government’s New Web 2.0 Guidelines: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Yesterday, the government of Canada released its new Guidelines for external use of Web 2.0. For the 99.99% of you unfamiliar with what this is, it’s the guidelines (rules) that govern how, and when, public servants may use web 2.0 tools such as twitter and facebook. You, of course, likely work in organization that survivesRead… Read more »

Highlights of Annual Meeting of Nat’l Academy of Public Administration

The National Academy of Public Administration gathers once a year to discuss some of the biggest management challenges facing our country. The speakers are always terrific and insightful. And I always learn something I never knew. This year was no different. The panel and speakers that really intrigued me focused on a topic I normallyRead… Read more »

The Facebook Phenomenon

Part three in our David Kirkpatrick video series! Did you catch our first and second videos? David Kirkpatrick sits down with GovDelivery to discuss the Facebook Phenomenon and why Facebook now dominates social networking. He also shares his thoughts on how government can leverage the power of Facebook to help improve citizen satisfaction. Watch theRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: Getting Federal Employees and Managers on the Same Page

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), listed No. 1 in this year’s Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankings, had been rated 25th out of 30 large agencies six years ago. After initiating a set of management reforms geared toward improving employee culture and morale, the FDIC has seen their scores skyrocket –Read… Read more »

CityCamp Raleigh November 28 meetup

CityCamp Raleigh will host a meetup on November 28, 2011, 7:00 pm at Draft on Glenwood Avenue. (510 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC). We invite all CityCampers and anyone interested in changing the way the web, applications, technology, and participation will shape the future of Raleigh. This includes citizens, developers, techies, govies, and more—really, as longRead… Read more »

Most Favored Customer- How It Establishes Your Contract Pricing

A Most Favored Customer also known as MFC is a category of customers that you offer your best discount pricing. When submitting a proposal for GSA Schedule the agency request that you outline what you offer your MFC. Based on the priced category offered to the MFC the Government wants to be offered similar orRead… Read more »

Whither a federal Open Government policy

Fellow open government advocate, Craig Thomler, has asked a very important question in his latest post: I wonder, should Australian political parties have explicit policies for Open Government and Government 2.0 with commitments to the use of online media and support for online engagement by public servants? It’s a question I have also asked. InRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: Government Customer Service Mandate – Are we better off?

Last Thursday (11/17), GovLoop and RightNow hosted a training webinar on “Government Customer Service Mandate – Are we better off?”. During the training we discussed the lessons learned from building agency customer service plans and took a look at the future of government customer service. Below please find key resources related to the training session:Read… Read more »

The “mobilization & socialization” of government

It’s a fact where mobile and social were somewhat optional several years ago, they are now a requirement for reaching and serving an increasing demand in our society. This has become even more apparent as web traffic driven solely by mobile devices increases (to nearly 7% of all web traffic), while over 1/3 of theRead… Read more »