Posts Tagged: jobs

CityCamp MN Hot Topic: It’s all about social media

A couple weeks ago, I attended the first Minnesota CityCamp, hosted by and the Public and Non-Profit Leadership Center at the Humphrey School (University of Minnesota). With more than 150 attendees, this unconference’s theme – “Community 2.0” – was clearly one that spoke to people. Though the unconference was held in Minneapolis, some participantsRead… Read more »

Connecticut, Illinois invest in green public busses

Connecticut and Illinois are making big investments into hybrid public buses thanks to a new round of federal awards. Connecticut was awarded $275 million and Illinois was awarded $5 million for hybrid bus projects. The funding comes from the U.S. Department of Transportation which is working to help states make public transit systems become moreRead… Read more »

Presenters at our Annual Government Web and New Media Conference – are you one?

Web Manager University is Calling for Presentations at our Annual Government Web and New Media Conference May 16-17 in Washington, DC. We’ve a lot of interest for presentation topics, and we’re extending an opportunity to be considered as a potential speaker and tell us about the exciting work you are doing. Submissions must be receivedRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Extending Federal benefits to partners of same-sex employees

According to an article over at The Washington Post, a bill that seeks to extend benefits to the same-sex partners of Federal employees was reintroduced last week. The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act was reintroduced by Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine). If passed, the act would make same-sex partners ofRead… Read more »

Google launches Google+ guide for politics and government

View original post. Hot on the heels of launching Google+ Pages on November 7, Google has released a “how-to” guide for G+ aimed at increasing use of the new social platform by those in politics and government. The “Google+ for Politics” page is part of a series of guides targeting segments like Celebrities, Media, Non-Profits,Read… Read more »

Four Steps: The Evolution of Social Media in Government

Social media in government has experienced an evolution in the past three years, since the administration’s Open Government Directive forced it into the mainstream of every agency’s operations. Each step in this evolution can be summed up by one word and one driving question, and each has had countless articles devoted first to exploring theRead… Read more »

GovBytes: What do Snoop Dogg and the West Virginia Chief Information Security Officer Have in Common?

According to an article in GovTech, they are both rappers. After West Virginia’s Office of Security and Controls won NASCIO’s 2011 recognition award for the “Risk Management Initiatives” category, West Virginia’s chief information security officer, Jim Richards III, submitted a video to NASCIO about the agency’s IT projects to be shown at the association’s awardsRead… Read more »

The New Government of Canada Open Data License: The OGL by another name

Last week the Minister Clement issued a press release announcing some of the progress the government has made on its Open Government Initiatives. Three things caught my eye. First, it appears the government continues to revise its open data license with things continuing to trend in the right direction. As some of you will remember,Read… Read more »

Are One-on-Ones Necessary for Market Research?

As the government looks for way to save money and improve performance, the topic of adopting best practices for IT acquisitions continues to be at the forefront of the conversation. However, implementing those best practices continue to be challenging, especially in the thought process with one-on-one sessions. When it comes to market research, the governmentRead… Read more »

How social media has changed government-to-citizen interaction

This is part two in our David Kirkpatrick video series. Did you catch yesterday’s post? David Kirkpatrick, author of “The Facebook Effect,” sat down with us after our social media conference to discuss how Facebook and social media has changed the way government interacts with citizens. He also delves into the question that many governmentRead… Read more »