Posts Tagged: jobs

South Dakota launches new website focused on transparency

South Dakota Govenror Dennis Daugaard is trying to improve state government service delivery and transparency through updates to the state website. The updates are part of the Govenror’s broader Better Government Intiative which hopes to give state residents a better government experience. The website update includes several changes including easier search features, to help residentsRead… Read more »

Partisanship is Killing Our Neighborhoods

Originally posted at Local Sid: Partisanship is Killing Our Neighborhoods My dear friend, Chuck Marohn, was on a radio show in Wisconsin this week called Koeping with Government. First let me say this. I think while Chuck has no doubt done some great things for the communities he has worked for, his greatest achievements —Read… Read more »

Government Contracts- 5 Benefits of Having One

Currently over 5 million contractors have obtained government contracts ending Fiscal Year 2011. A government contract is not made for every company but if you build a realistic view of managing your contract there may be a great benefit. Here are five benefits of having a government contract: Stability– Maintaining compliance with the terms andRead… Read more »

Spotlight on American Education Week: Guardians of the cloud – higher education edition

Deltek Analyst Derek Johnson reports. Earlier this year, I wrote about the massive market opportunity for vendors leveraging cloud computing technologies. The potential for cost savings, scalability and storage alone is such that within 5-10 years, the cloud is likely to be a standard feature of most government IT infrastructures. In addition, the 2008 recessionRead… Read more »

Is Government Enabling Online Addiction?

If not, they should be! Almost everyday I see a different GovLoop member stressing the importance of online engagement in government as a tool for better customer service. As governments seek to serve citizens with more information online, are they contributing to our information overdose…or providing a quick hit that helps us more immediately? TakeRead… Read more »

Virtual Reality Past, Present, and Future: Part 1

Photo credit Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds. This can vary from flight and other vehicle simulators, to video games, to immersion programs for training of military tactics, to medical and therapeuticRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: November 18, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Location, location, location. A lot of people moving to GovLoop–more than 50K at last count! One of those people, Lovisa Williams, asked how GovLoopers (especially federal government employees) were using Google+. Ines Mergle, writing at Gov in the Lab, shared an infographic that helps answer that question. Beyond “Go Slow to Go Fast.”Read… Read more »

A First For The Nation: NERC Completes First Grid Security Exercise

NERC is an international, independent, not-for-profit organization, whose mission is to ensure the reliability of the bulk power system in North America. Here is a bit about them from their website at : The North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) mission is to ensure the reliability of the North American bulk power system. NERCRead… Read more »

Is the Federal Suspension and Debarment System Broken?

By SCOTT AMEY Is the federal suspension and debarment system broken? The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) attempted to answer that question yesterday. That hearing follows a hearing on suspension and debarment held last month by a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee. Both hearings featured almost the same witnesses, but hopefullyRead… Read more »

How does one become a CIO?

I am not going to lie. My goal is to one day be the CIO of a government agency. Of course, I really don’t know what educational back and job experience one needs. I have a MPA and I am planning on going back to school in an IT related field. Aside from having aRead… Read more »