Posts Tagged: jobs

The Blind Men and their Elephant 2.0

I’ve been meeting Business 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, Government 2.0, and in each case partisans explain that their particular function is driving the transformation. Business 2.0 is Finance! Enterprise 2.0 is Architecture! And Government 2.0 is Information Technology! came from a moneychanger, a sheetrocker, and some guy from a hobby shop. This 2.0 thing is aboutRead… Read more »

Washington gets new state CIO

Washington has a new state CIO, Governor Gregoire has appointed Bharat Shyam. Shyam previously worked at Microsoft and will be taking office today. Shyam developed some of the first smartphones at Microsoft and will be working to help the state more effectively leverage IT dollars to improve state service delivery to citizens. Shyam has experienceRead… Read more »

50,000 Strong

Today we as a community are hitting an awesome milestone. 50,000 members. That’s pretty crazy. I vividly remember the day in my cubicle at DHS talking to my colleagues about how there should be an online community to meet other government employees and share best practices. They thought I was crazy and it would neverRead… Read more »

Combating duplication with open government

Originally posted on The second CityCamp Colorado started off with two speakers from the City of Denver setting the stage for the day’s theme: enhancing access to government. Held at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility on October 28, 2011, more than 70 people gathered to participate, learn, and advance the open governmentRead… Read more »

A Thousand Cuts

Government Executive magazine’s cover story, “A Thousand Cuts,” by Joseph Marks, paints a graphic picture of what it is like to be in government today. Here’s a list of the various directives that direct many of these cuts. President Obama’s Campaign to Cut Waste was launched in June 2011, but it started earlier than that.Read… Read more »

Tampa Mayor Buckhorn one of first politicians to engage with citizens on Quora

Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn has become the first Florida politician to engage with citizens on Quora – the burgeoning question and answer technology startup. A few weeks ago, Floridian Bryan Tupper posted the following question to Quora: What are Florida politicians doing to create jobs in the state? This morning, Mayor Buckhorn answered the questionRead… Read more »

What Insights Can History Provide Us Regarding The Occupy Movement?

As Government leaders, what insights can history teach us regarding the Occupy Movement? Is this a new phenomenon? Is Capitalism really bad? What can we do to educate ourselves and those who are rallying against the current system, about Capitalism’s history and future value?

4 Small Business Set Asides That Should Interest You

Small businesses in the federal government have procurements specifically set-aside for contract award. For a procurement to be set aside the Contracting Officer needs to have an expectation that at least two responsible small businesses will respond with an offer and the prices quoted are reasonable. According to size standards set forth in the SmallRead… Read more »

What Would Our Future Leaders Do With $100 Million of the Budget?

Giving back is a big part of GovLoop. Every year we try to give back to government and those people who focus themselves on public service. One of our initiatives to accomplish that is our annual scholarship contest. This year we partnered with NASPAA and are awarding 3 scholarships to graduate students who’s educational focusRead… Read more »


I’m a career government employee — over 20 years of service spread over almost 30 years. (Obviously, there were breaks in service.) I started my career as a GS-4 supply clerk in Frankfurt, Germany, back when there were two Germanys, and worked in the Abrams building, going up and down the Paternosters. I’m now aRead… Read more »