Posts Tagged: jobs

Tennessee, Maryland move on open government initiatives

Maryland and Tennessee are working on new open government initiatives. The Maryland General Assembly started its first open government committee yesterday. The committee will study the state’s legislative process and make recommendations on how to improve the overall transparency of the state legislature. In Tennessee, state lawmakers are looking at a new measure that wouldRead… Read more »

Bid Protest Update: COFC Outlines Source Selection Missteps

A flawed source selection evaluation, combined with a failure of the Source Selection Authority to fully document its trade-off justification, has led the U.S. Court of Federal Claims to issue an injunction against TSA’s contract for security screening services at Kansas City International airport (No. 11-375 C Filed September 27, 2011). This further delays theRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up October 7, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Good-bye, Steve Jobs. His products are in the pockets and on the desks of countless Americans, both within and beyond the government. When he died, his customers, colleagues, competitors, compatriots, and admirers from across the globe poured out their hearts in a torrent of tweets. One artist captured them in this visualization. PlanningRead… Read more »

Department of State’s Consular Systems and Technology: A Track Record of Innovation

The Office of Consular Systems and Technology (CST) leads the State Department‘s IT efforts. This is an amazing organization that has been delivering high quality, high throughput systems and solutions for years. This group really is our first line of defense against threat actors so we should all be thankful the team here performs atRead… Read more »

Largest Federal Employee Union Joins with Progressive Groups at Jobs Not Cuts Rally on Capitol Hill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Christina Erling/ 202-639-6491 (WASHINGTON) – The American Federation of Government Employees, the country’s largest federal and DC employee union, joined hundreds of people in the American Dream Movement at the Jobs Not Cuts rally on Capitol Hill today. AFGE and the American Dream Movement are urging Congress to focus on creatingRead… Read more »

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month through History, Numbers and Public Service

Did you know that we are in the midst of Hispanic Heritage Month? In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson established an annual week-long celebration of the culture and traditions of those who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America and the Caribbean. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan expandedRead… Read more »

How does external communication through customer service improve the reputation of the organization?

What is a reputation? It’s basically a preconceived expectation of behaviors based on previous direct experience and indirect assumptions. What is the reputation of your favorite restaurant, how about your doctor, or the last place you decided never to go back to? Every person you come into contact with every day is forming an impressionRead… Read more »

Nominations Solicited for the 2011 Government Big Data Solutions Award

The missions and data of governments make the government sector one of particular importance for Big Data solutions. The government has special abilities to focus research in areas like Health Sciences, Economics, Law Enforcement, Defense, Geographic Studies, Environmental Studies, Bioinformatics, and Computer Security. Government-Industry teams are working to field Big Data solutions in all theseRead… Read more »