Posts Tagged: jobs

Az simultaneously asks for federal HCR dollars and challenges HCR law

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is asking the federal government for money to build her state’s health insurance exchange while simultaneously challenging the law. Arizona was one of the first states to get involved with the challenge to federal health care reform legislation, a fight which continues, the state is also seeking an exemption from healthRead… Read more »

Top 5 GovLoop Groups to Join

Groups on GovLoop have become a great resource for govies to communicate with peers and find information on anything from open jobs or free trainings to successful Gov 2.0 technology uses. Here’s a look at the top five groups I think GovLoopers should consider joining: Government 2.0 Club A gathering place for technologists and thinkersRead… Read more »

How Your Military Skills Can Get you Hired!

Transitioning from the military to a civilian career? Ever wonder how the skills you’ve gained through military service can translate into a civilian job? GEICO’s got you covered. Not only does GEICO have a whole hub specifically designed to help military servicemen and women adjust back to civilian career life, but it provides a “MilitaryRead… Read more »

Quicklook Report: The Government-Industry Cybersecurity Summit of 28 Sep 2011

The Government-Industry Cybersecurity Summit was a meeting of cybersecurity practitioners looking for new approaches, new ideas, and new strategies for enhancing cybersecurity in and around government. The 28 September 2011 gathering at the Newseum saw over 200 people interacting together and with a set of world-class thought leaders from in and out of government.Read… Read more »

Upcoming Panel Discussion: Can Technology Fix California Governments?

I look forward to joining this Zócalo/New America Foundation event as co-panelist, October 26, 2011 at Stanford. From the announcement: Zócalo in Palo Alto: Can Technology Save California Governments? California has more than 4,500 local governments, yet it still often feels ungoverned. Proponents of so-called “e-government” say technology can change that: the digital world, theyRead… Read more »

“Take a bite out of crime” with National Crime Prevention Month

Deltek Analyst Evan Halperin reports. Since 1984, the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) has designated October as National Crime Prevention Month. During this time, government agencies, schools and other organizations promote statistics relating to crime reduction and advocate safety awareness at the state and local level. The month-long campaign seeks to encourage volunteerism within theRead… Read more »

Smart Streamlining

Two new reports out this past week focus on tools and techniques for agencies to cope with the new fiscal austerity they face in years ahead. One is by the Partnership for Public Service, the other by the Government Accountability Office. They are both worth reading because they focus on smart ways to make cutsRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Days 39 to 43

Day 39 through 43 Day 39—Monday, Sept. 26 On Monday I attended our staff development meeting. We discussed several of the projects that are either under review or construction. We also talked about the challenge of helping people understand and follow through our development process which is as follows: during the concept stage, our staffRead… Read more »

Houses and clouds

The Government Digital Service blog is essential reading. Two recent posts well worth a look: What is that beautiful house? The phrase “not a CMS” has become a bit of a joke around the GovUK office (to the point where more than a few people were humming Once In A Lifetime), but it’s a keyRead… Read more »