Posts Tagged: jobs

10 Steps to Creating a Mentoring Story with a Fairy Tale Ending

Just like a good fairy tale, a mentoring relationship should have a happy ending. Each mentoring relationship is different and has its own dynamics. Nevertheless, there are certain things you should think about when you are starting a relationship with a mentor. Just like any other relationship, these partnerships require love and caring to growRead… Read more »

Everyone Lied: There IS an “I” In Team!

You have been living in a world of lies since kindergarten. From the time you thought paste was a member of the food pyramid, you were taught that there is no “I” in team. And while the spelling bee members of your team were correct — the letter I is not actually in the word — thoseRead… Read more »

Meet GovLoop’s Dynamic Duo of Virtual Training

As part of today’s Government Innovator’s Virtual Summit, GovLoop President and Founder Steve Ressler and GovLoop Vice President of Learning and Development Andrew Krzmarzick sat down for a Q&A to answer all your virtual training questions. Q. How did GovLoop get started in virtual training?  Steve: More than six year ago, GovLoop started out with the visionRead… Read more »

8 Important Career Tips from GovLoop’s Founder

As part of today’s Government Innovator’s Virtual Summit, we heard from GovLoop President and Founder Steve Ressler has he conducted a career advice live chat for audience members. Ressler gave us a variety of awesome career tips — below are eight questions the audience asked, and Ressler’s advice. #1: What’s your best networking tip? Ressler saidRead… Read more »

12 Tips on Navigating the Federal Job Application Process

Applying to a federal job is far different than applying to your run-of-the-mill private sector position. You will be asked for far greater detail on your skills, abilities, and experience. You’ll likely endure a lengthy wait time after applying to hear if you’re being considered. And when you get started on your search, it mightRead… Read more »