Posts Tagged: jobs

Part-time workers closing the gap for state government

According to census data, cash strapped state governments are firing public employees and replacing them with part-timers at an increased rate. Census numbers show that nationwide, state governments have lost over 200,000 public employees leaving much of the work to be done by part time employees. Many states are grappling with the cost of pensionsRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Pentagon Accepts Alternative Energy Options

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus has announced that the Navy and Marine Corps will be shifting towards alternative energy to “make us better war fighters.” As the nation’s single biggest energy consumer, the Pentagon has many reasons to want to diversify its fuel sources. Mabus and others say the move toward alternative energy is about nationalRead… Read more »

GovBytes: The highs and lows of young feds

Over at GovExec, an article posits that although younger feds start off their government careers with overall satisfaction, their contentment is on a steady decline after a period of three years. The nonprofit Partnership for Public Service this month released a study showing that 75.3 percent of new government workers under the age of 30Read… Read more »

Get On the Customer Service Bandwagon

I hope you’ve already been participating in the National Dialog on Government Websites, sponsored by the .Gov Reform Task Force and GSA. If not, it’s not too late. Tons of great ideas and comments and the opportunity to make your feelings known by voting (and you can do that anonymously). This is important, folks. PolicyRead… Read more »

5 Old-Fashioned Job Search Techniques

The job search landscape has changed tremendously in recent years. The electronic age has led to information overload for both the job seeker and the employer. Here are five old-fashioned, or just plain wrong, job-search techniques to avoid if you want to improve your chances of getting hired. 1. Mailing your resume to an employer.Read… Read more »

In-Sourcing and Budget Cuts: The Implication for Human Capital Management

The Obama Administration has made a continued effort to in-source work performed for the Federal Government. The thought behind this is that government contractors are more expensive than federal employees. In an effort to increase efficiency, the Obama administration has suggested that agencies in the Federal Government in-source some of the work that has historicallyRead… Read more »

Unbiased food icons? Harvard introduces alternatives to MyPyramid and MyPlate

This month, Harvard took a bold stand, declaring the USDA‘s food guide icons inadequate and out-of-date: For nearly two decades, the U.S. government distilled its nutrition advice into pyramids. These efforts didn’t accurately show people what makes up a healthy diet. Why? Their recommendations were based on out-of-date science and influenced by people with businessRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Gov Shutdown? Is your position safe?

As I was reading this article on the Washington Post’s Federal Page today about the looming Federal government shutdown, a few thoughts crossed my mind. What will this mean for my friends in the government? How long would a shutdown last? Is it really possible for the U.S. Gov’t to cease certain operations? The lastRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: Bill Introduced for Feds to Donate Sick Days to Agency Banks

Government Exec reported that on Friday legislation was introduced that would allow Federal employees to donate their unused sick leave to an agency wide leave bank. The bill was sponsored by Representatives Gerry Connolly, Jim Moran and Chris Van Hollen and all have stated that the bill will be nearly cost neutral. Government Executive reports:Read… Read more »