Posts Tagged: jobs

Future Ready 365 – Join the Conversation!

Thanks to Cindy Romaine, SLA President 2011, for this article: Future Ready 365. This article was originally published in the 2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries: e-Initiatives and e-Efforts: Expanding Our Horizons. Best Practices is a collaborative document that is put out annually on a specific topic of interest to government librarians. The 2011 editionRead… Read more »

Month in review 8/15-9/20

With the August being a slow month and then my preparation for my speech last week in California, it was a slow posting month. I’m back to normal posting now. New! Social Media links for national political party organizations and their influence rankings (@dccchas best @klout) New blog post: The CA Legislature, social mediaRead… Read more »

a love letter to a lonely job

by Elaine Sullivan (SF2011) Spend half an hour on the City Hall Fellows webpage, and you will come across these numbers: · more than 1/3 of this country’s government workforce will retire in the next decade · more than 80% of college graduates have no interest in working in government · 13% of professional localRead… Read more »

SSA Union Warns Committee on Deficit Reduction about Effects of Budget Slashing

Threat to Social Security System is Real and Immediate WASHINGTON – The American Federation of Government Employees recently sent a letter to the Democratic members of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, detailing the harmful effects of agency budget reductions on Social Security Administration services and programs. “Any reductions below the FY 12 budgetRead… Read more »

National Plan for OpenGov

“In all parts of the world, we see the promise of innovation to make government more open and accountable. And now, we must build on that progress. And when we gather back here next year, we should bring specific commitments to promote transparency; to fight corruption; to energize civic engagement; to leverage new technologies soRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: The End of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Era

Today is an important day for the military, as the Pentagon lifts the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy. For the first time in 18 years, troops can “publicly reveal that they’re gay without fear of official retribution”. Enlistees who tell military recruiters, and troops discharged under the ban who are eager to reenlist, willRead… Read more »

WellPoint sets up private insurance exchange to compete with states

WellPoint, the nation’s largest health insurer is setting up a private health insurance exchange to compete with those created and managed by governments under federal health care reform legislation. The exchange is a joint effort between WellPoint, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, and Health Care Service Corporation. The exchange will serve all national marketsRead… Read more »

Co-creating Public Services?

Private companies such as Procter & Gamble, Apple and Amazon have achieved great success by tapping into the ideas and creativity of others to co-create products and services. The success of the iPhone, iTunes and iPad has been driven by the thousands of apps customers have created on the platform provided by Apple. The worldRead… Read more »