Posts Tagged: jobs

GovLaunch: Obama Administration Releases Update on Open Government Initiative

On Friday, NextGov reports that the White House released a status report on the Open Government Initiative. The White House blog post on Friday reiterates President Obama’s commitment to open government. The post, written by Steven Croley, special assistant and senior counsel to the President states: President Obama has made open government a high priority.Read… Read more »

Opening Day at 2011 APWA Congress & Exposition

This year’s International Public Works Conference & Exposition is being held in Denver, Colorado. The event opened yesterday morning with a welcome by the outgoing president, George Crombie, and a transfer of leadership to the new president, Diane M. Linderman. First General Session – Michael Hayden The first general session followed with keynote speaker, MichaelRead… Read more »

Too much information

In the continuing fight for the greater availability of public information, it may seem churlish to observe that sometimes what’s wanted is not more information, but less. The picture above shows a typical display on a Countdown sign at a London bus stop. This particular stop has buses from two routes. At a quick glance,Read… Read more »

Study: Privatizing government doesn’t actually save money

The theory that the federal government should outsource its operations to private firms usually rests on a simple premise: It saves money. But why should we believe it saves money? Often the argument is made by pointing to salaries for public- and private-sector employees in comparable jobs and noting that the private-sector employees make less.Read… Read more »

White House releases open government status report before launch of Open Government Partnership

The Obama administration has released a status report on open government. The report, which I’ve embedded below, was released through a blog post at by Steven Croley, special assistant and senior counsel to the President: President Obama has made open government a high priority. Greater openness renders our government more efficient and effective. ItRead… Read more »

Join Us for a National Discussion on Government Websites!

Come one – come all! This is your chance to help the U.S. government figure out how to serve better, online. I told you a few weeks ago about the ground-breaking .Gov Reform initiative the White House and the General Services Administration have underway. In a nutshell, they’re taking a hard look at U.S. governmentRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – September 16, 2011

6th edition of state-by-state Open Government Guide (HT NFOIC) How’d your state do? How do you think it could be improved? Social Media as a Credible News Source? “Still a little ooky about social media? Well, believe it or not, social media is a major element of news nowadays.” This talks specifically about social media,Read… Read more »

Bhagowalia in Hawaii: Challenges Amid The Beauty

Sanjeev “Sonny” Bhagowalia has moved from a high-visibility federal job in the pressure cooker of Washington to become the CIO of Hawaii. Sound like a dream job? While Hawaii state government has a more casual dress code, the job brings new challenges to the table. Read about Bhagowalia’s eye-opening experiences since becoming Hawaii’s first CIO.Read… Read more »