Posts Tagged: jobs

Graduating into a Government Job?

Last night I ran into a political science student who will be graduating this December, like I am. I asked her what she would do after graduation, and not surprisingly she overlooked the question, like I usually do when someone asks for my post-graduation plans “Do you know Ashley?” said my friend. “I envied herRead… Read more »

Post Award Blues

There is a terrible misconception that once a vendor obtains a government contract money will somehow come rolling in… FALSE. The time consuming process of obtaining the contract is not the hard the work, it is the post award process. To generate revenue for your business you need to have a strategy prior to obtainingRead… Read more »

Graduating into a Government Job?

Last night I ran into a political science student who will be graduating this December, like I am. I asked her what she would do after graduation, and not surprisingly she overlooked the question, like I usually do when someone asks for my post-graduation plans “Do you know Ashley?” said my friend. “I envied herRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Secret Service Ready for a Busy 2012

The Washington Post reports today that the Secret Service is gearing up for a busy 2012. The Director of the Secret Service, Mark Sullivan, stated that 2012 will be “a very demanding and challenging year.” The Secret Service will have to continue to provide security for President Obama, Vice President Biden and their families, theRead… Read more »

Android and Privacy Rights in a Digital World

The Internet and mobile technology have empowered people to share, express and engage opinions online, creating one of the most powerful environments to enhance democratic ideals. However, this same technology can and has been used by many regimes around the world to spy on, censor and suppress their people. The battle between these two competingRead… Read more »

Networked Neighbourhoods: effective localism or narrow insularity?

My friends at LGIU, The Hansard Society and Networked Neighbourhoods are running a free event next month in London that looks dead good: Wednesday 19 October, 18.30 – 20.00 Thatcher Room, Portculis house, Westminster LGiU, Networked Neighbourhoods and the Hansard Society are putting on a free event in Parliament on Weds 19th Oct. We willRead… Read more »

Our Future Success Depends on Creating a New Model

This blog is co-authored with Mark Herbert a corporate management and executive coach with more than 30 years experience in helping businesses become leaders in their field. In my dream the angel shrugged and said, “this time if we fail it will be a failure of imagination,” and then she gently placed the world inRead… Read more »

Government Sites Reach 40 Percent of Americans but Lag Behind Overall Internet Growth

Gov Sites Reach 40% of Americans, but Lag Internet Growth RESTON, VA, September 12, 2011 – comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released an analysis of traffic to federal Government sites, which showed a decline over the past year despite attempts to make the government more digital-friendly. In JulyRead… Read more »