Posts Tagged: jobs

A Baker’s Dozen of Tips for a Successful Job Training Program

Jobs! Training! Jobs! Training! Jobs! I don’t know about you, but those words have remained on front pages, home pages, TV lead stories, and in government press releases, long after the Great Recession (supposedly) ended. And, so much money and resources have been expended in this area, that you might have thought the government effortsRead… Read more »

We’re All Becoming Tech Workers… And We Need to Be Ready

As the Digital Era continues to progress, social and digital technologies will become more fully integrated into not just the work we do, but how we do it. Although external applications such as marketing, sales, and customer service have dominated adoption activities and discussions to date (particularly in the context of consumer goods and services),Read… Read more »

Technology-Focused Career Options for Women: Virtually Limitless

In Women in Technology: Promoting a Broader Perspective, I argued that women can make strong contributions in technology-focused areas without being employed by technology firms or educated and trained in technology-related fields. This piece extends those ideas by highlighting the diversity of career options for women available in the Digital Era. Although well intentioned and certainly important, emphasizingRead… Read more »

13 Tips for Finding State and Local Government Jobs

Getting a job in state or local government isn’t always the easiest thing to do, especially if you’re looking for a management position. Some individuals work their way into the public sector through internships and fellowships, while others start as line staff and slowly work their way up. Here, are 13 tips to help you onRead… Read more »

Women in Technology: Promoting a Broader Perspective

For many, the notion of women in technology is focused on computer science and the tech industry. Should the definition be so narrow? Do we really want to send the message to girls and young women that aspiring to be coders and tech entrepreneurs is the best (or only) way they can make a professional… Read more »

How To Win At Job Interviews: A Cheat Sheet

Note: I did not write this, only edited a shared email down for brevity and flow. The credit goes to Nikki J. Thomas, my daughter’s mentor. What they want: capable, hardworking, team player Do this: Prepare answers to questions like: Why choose you, tell us about you, what are your strengths/weaknesses, why you want the job, whatRead… Read more »

Deciding Whether to Aim for the Senior Executive Service

By Lily Whiteman, author of “How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job” and trainer on career advancement skills; Website: IGotTheJob.Net; Twitter: @Lilymwhiteman Wonder whether to set your sights on the federal Senior Executive Service (SES)? If so, it might be helpful for you to consider what the SES is, what it would offer and demandRead… Read more »