Posts Tagged: jobs

The Tale of a City and a City/County

by Dani Fitts, SF2011 It has now been over a month since I completed my year of service to the City and County of San Francisco and it is also the end of the first week at my new job with the City of Seattle. In just a week of employment I have made numerousRead… Read more »

Government Website Development: Looking Forward and Saving Money

I got to thinking the other day..which is a scary concept at times..when I was informed that the E-Gov initiatives in government cost the great taxpayers of this nation millions of dollars a year. Wait, roll that one back: Yup, I said the words 1.) Millions and 2.) Years in that sentence. So, let meRead… Read more »

Mobile Technology Challenges within the Federal Government

Federal agencies, like private sector companies, must be responsive to customer needs by offering information via mobile applications to serve the needs of the public. Developing public facing mobile applications are important for the same reasons that it is important for agencies to improve communications and public outreach of all kinds. Most federal agencies areRead… Read more »

A Perspective on the Effects of Sociological-Economic Place on Training and Education Success

While one boy is offered the benefits of a good education and a sheltered home life…he learns little of real life except through others, while his brother learns life the hard way–through experience. Life, choices, opportunity, and success. It all affects our work life to be. The choices we are able to make in termsRead… Read more »

BRT, PRT, and Human Behavior

I’ve blogged for some time about the benefits of a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system because I believe there really are few other solutions that truly offer a comparable solution to the car. Unfortunately moving over to this type of system would take considerable time and funding so I’m not sure I’ll see it inRead… Read more »

How Do You Stop A Contracting Disaster?

In light of the new inherently governmental rules that have been published by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, decision making by the government in regard to acquisition strategy comes to mind. When it comes to hiring contractors to assist in performing acquisition functions, it is very much a caveat emptor situation. Contracting is aRead… Read more »

Are we more or less Safe? By Joshua Jacobs

In the days leading up to 10 years since 9/11 an interesting study published by the Federal Signal indicates that many Americans feel insecure and less safe than they did in 2001. The 2011 edition of its annual survey lists a staggering 64-percent of Americans ages 18-24 responding negatively to the question of, “Ten yearsRead… Read more »

9/11 and The Global War on Terror: A Junior Officer’s Perspective

The strangest thing about coming for home for Thanksgiving break after 9/11 was seeing an American flag flying outside every house. People were walking up to me and thanking me for my service, which I found unsettling. The tiny suburb, just north of New York City, lost dozens of people in the attack on theRead… Read more »