Posts Tagged: jobs

Ten Years After: A Personal Remembrance of Sep 11th – Strategies for Grieving, Surviving & Evolving

A Board Member of the Greater Metro-DC Region of Federally Employed Women (FEW; an educational-legal-support association for government employees) recently wrote, “Are you planning to write something for the 9/11 anniversary coming up. I bet a lot of people would like to hear you on this stress related topic. It’s going to be a veryRead… Read more »

Mobile Risk Management: Welcome to the Jungle

Philip Ewing reports on a nightmare scenario for the Department of Defense. Suppose a worker’s Android phone is infected with malware, and she innocently plugs it into her work computer to charge and sync contacts. You can imagine the government IT workers turning green at the thought of thousands of unknown phones running unknown softwareRead… Read more »

How many sources of income do you rely on to sustain your lifestyle?

I heard a statement the other day that struck home – no one in today’s economy has ‘just one job’ for income – everyone seems to have a side job, residual or investment income, multiple sources of income, because ‘just one job’ doesn’t provide enough to live on (especially for large families). What do youRead… Read more »

The Debt Deal: Hard truths and silver linings for local governments

As local government officials begin to sort through last month’s dramatic spending reduction deal (the Budget Control Act of 2011) and the impacts of New York-based Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Ratings Services’ subsequent lowering of the federal government’s long-term credit rating, it’d be easy to simply give in to the negative media coverage and acceptRead… Read more »

Zach’s CfA Summer: “Made With [EPA] Data”

When Code for America selected me as a Google Summer of Code Intern for the Government Gems and Eggs project this summer, I knew the next few months were going to be awesome. For the first time ever, I was able to meet and work with people truly committed to making government data more accessible.Read… Read more »

Connecting the dots: Open source, government, and economic development

Originally published on In part one of our interview with David Diaz, president and CEO of the Downtown Raleigh Alliance, we explored how open source is applied to economic development, how his organization works with local government, and the programs Downtown Raleigh Alliance has implemented. Now, David tells us how influential open source isRead… Read more »

Why governments need a strategy for enterprise mobility now

Government agencies not only experience the budget squeeze, they feel mobility demands becoming ever more sophisticated increasing pressure from two sides: Their ecosystem increasingly uses mobile devices and demands for respective accommodation by the government, and, mobile devices and the productivity-enhancing apps that run on them become broadly affordable, a development sometimes dubbed as theRead… Read more »

Clouds v cartels

Interesting article by the erstwhile US government CIO Vivek Kundra, in the New York Times: AS the global economy struggles through a slow and painful recovery, governments around the world are wasting billions of dollars on unnecessary information technology. This problem has worsened in recent years because of what I call the “I.T. cartel.” ThisRead… Read more »