Posts Tagged: jobs

When Cutbacks Become Amputations: Trim the Fat, Not the Foot

The idea of cutbacks doesn’t have to be synonymous with layoffs, but when budget cuts are imminent it’s only logical that we start looking for redundancies in our staff. But consider what this means. Nobody takes it lightly when the axe man cometh, but when we eliminate staff we are making the declaration that theirRead… Read more »

New Year, New Resume

Every year we make resolutions…and we break them. If you are planning on applying for a position in 2015, reviewing and/or updating your government résumé is a resolute you need to make and just can’t break…especially if you are that government employee who wants to climb the GS scale ladder. In my experience, employees attemptRead… Read more »

Position Yourself for Tomorrow

Have you ever watched a television doctor show and the doctors are frantically trying to save someone only to have the person die and flat line. Yes, me too. It’s sad. What’s even sadder are employees that have in a sense flat lined their careers. How so? By failing to position themselves for tomorrow. ItRead… Read more »

Demonstrating Leadership Before and After Landing Your Job

Many ambitious young feds want to move into leadership positions. Hard work, coupled with the passage of time, can help you get a top spot in your organization, but even now, you can begin reaching for roles and responsibilities that will allow you to demonstrate your leadership skills. These opportunities might be big or small,Read… Read more »

The Job Interview Mating Dance

There are few things in life more painful than a job interview. Except, perhaps, dating. There are also few things more shameful. Right? It’s not something you want to talk about. The screw-ups, the flubs, the asinine mistakes that everyone makes but which feel totally unique to your sorry ass. In a nod to theRead… Read more »

Watch America’s Workforce: A Mission to Serve

Did you know that 85 percent of the Federal workforce is based outside of the D.C. region? OPM Director Katherine Archuleta does. In her first year as Director, she’s traveled the country, meeting with federal employees all across the country. And this Friday, she’s going to celebrate her one-year anniversary as Director of the U.S. Office of PersonnelRead… Read more »