Posts Tagged: jobs

5 Ways to Be Awesome at Public Affairs – Lessons from Playing w/ BGOV

Join us on Sep. 21st to see, do, and learn about Bloomberg Government with an interactive session with tips on how it can help you be awesome as a public affairs official. Limited seating so please RSVP.—————————————————————————————————– I’ll be honest – I’m an unabashed Bloomberg fan. I’ve read Michael Bloomberg’s biography (awesome), respect him asRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up, August 26, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda For 20 years, August has been a “cruel month” in Russia. This August has been no picnic for the US or England, but social media has helped to ameliorate certain events: The Problem and the Solution: Tech President reports that social media (Twitter in particular) has helped authorities respond to the London RiotsRead… Read more »

A recap from GOSCON: Open source beyond cutting costs

My colleague, Gunnar Hellekson, posted some great insights from GOSCON this week on a session he attended about “Cutting Costs” — before the big shake-up…I mean Earthquake. Honestly, I didn’t know GOSCON and using open source in government could be so moving and disruptive. (Too early?) Paraphrasing, Alex Howard of O’Reilly moderated a panel discussionRead… Read more »

Local TV

I think it’s fair to say that DCMS’s plans for Local TV are mostly terrible. Luckily, people who know a lot more about it that I do are writing it all up. I enjoyed these three posts on the LSE blog on the subject, all by Sally Broughton Micova. They are well worth reading forRead… Read more »

Government and Business – Common Ground

We recently had a great post by Patrick Fiorenza on whether the government should be run like a business. It created lots of good discussion about the pros and cons of each viewpoint. The general consesus seemed to be that the nature of goverment services to not lend itself to business management completely, but thatRead… Read more »

This Day in GovCon History, August 25, 1916: National Park Service Created

This article was originally published by GovWin’s Anthony Critelli August 25, 1916 is the day President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill creating the National Park Service (NPS) within the Department of the Interior. Interior had previously lacked the organization to effectively manage the then 14 national parks and 21 national monuments. The new agency wasRead… Read more »

a call to arms!

by Jessica Cassella, SF2012 With the declining rates of youth participating in civic engagement activities, it saddens me that I am a small minority of people my age even remotely interested in government affairs. As part of a generation who became suddenly exposed to the world after 9/11, who has only a vague concept ofRead… Read more »

Child health matters

We have recently published a number of data sets regarding children’s health, such as infant mortality rates and the incidence of childhood obesity. This will be of interest to many citizens and health care professionals who live in the county. And for those who want to put such information in context, you can see anRead… Read more »