Posts Tagged: jobs

OMB Unveils Its Performance.Gov Website

The Bush Administration had its Results.Gov scorecard. The Obama Administration now has unveiled its Performance.Gov dashboard. Is a dashboard better than a scorecard? The Bush website provided links to key management initiatives, such as the President’s Management Agenda Scorecard, a list and bios of top political appointees, and a set of agency examples of bestRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of an Engineer – Day 18

Day 18 Unfortunately today I don’t have much to post because I took part of the day off to take care of things at home. But this morning, before I left work, I did work again on some permits finalizing the utility permits. Also, because of some new information related to the development for whichRead… Read more »

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. openkent :: home – “Open Kent is where public sector bodies in Kent can publish information about the services they provide.” How to do a Crowd | Innovator Inside – For crowds, read communities, groups, whatever. Good stuff. Shabby PR from SOCITM « Simon WakemanRead… Read more »

Diary of a Frustrated Young Professional – Oh Leader Where Art Thou?

Dear all knowing internet, Remember the Where’s Waldo books from your childhood? I remember being entertained for hours trying to find Waldo wondering amass a sea of interesting characters. Well my friends, that’s how I feel about the leaders in government. I sometimes feel like my perception of a leader (forward thinking, loyal, open minded,Read… Read more »

Korea set to help Africa with #gov20 opportunity … #Libya is clear opportunity

African eGovernment including Libya The fine folks at FutureGov (not Dom’s FutureGov) wrote today about Korea’s plans to help out the East African Community (EAC) in their search for better government service through leveraging technology. It is good to see this kind of international cooperation and reuniting of the global eGovernment nation. As an executiveRead… Read more »

Fresh Look at IT Program Manager Competencies

In all the hype about new technology, we often forget to talk about what government IT is mostly about – that’s project management. It’s about leading projects to solve problems and it’s pretty tough. Was cool to see OPM deliver the new competency program for IT program managers. The hardest part is defining what makesRead… Read more »

Are State Jobs Where it’s At?

It has been reported that 70% of the graduate in my masters program end up working for the federal government. I have seen this statistic become a reality, as many of my classmates have already secured employment with the State Department, GAO, and OMB. However, a professor of mine (commenting on the budgetary restrictions facingRead… Read more »

The Government Man and the Samplehog

My last blog was uncharacteristic of me. I’m more comfortable telling tall tales than doing political commentary but the extraordinary events surrounding the debt ceiling crisis put me over the edge. This week I revert back to the tales. Some of you might have noticed in prior blogs and commentaries just a hint of disdainRead… Read more »

Policy Reviews Will Not Improve Government Procurement

As part of the continuing push by the Administration to reduce the amount of redundancy and to cut red tape through a review of existing federal regulations, agencies recently announced their final plans that describe what they will begin to consider as possible reforms to current regulations to execute on the President’s Executive Order. TheRead… Read more »