Posts Tagged: jobs

Can shared services save state and local budgets?

It is hard to find a time in recent history where the budget picture for state and local government looked as bleak as it does now. Faced with a multi-trillion dollar federal budget deficit, credit rating downgrade and shrinking revenues, state and local governments are forced to find ever more creative ways to provide servicesRead… Read more »

Kundra’s “Reflections on Public Service”

Outgoing Federal CIO Vivek Kundra had an impressive legacy advancing the open government movement both at the national and local levels. He ended his tenure as U.S. Chief Technology Officer last Friday, and will be transitioning to a teaching position at Harvard University. Today, he posted a thoughtful piece, reflecting on his time in publicRead… Read more »

Training To Prevent Cyber Attack

“No one felt safe from anyone anymore. Many more millions died as brother turned against brother in the War Against Terror, and countries turned within, no longer wanting anything to do with the rest of the world; their world was enough. Then the terrorists exacted their revenge and used the Internet, the one link someRead… Read more »

MythBusters Call For Participation

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) has asked for help to determine the “Top Ten” Mythbusters initiatives, in conjunction with the ongoing campaign to improve government and industry relations. The American Council for Technology (ACT) – Industry Advisory Council (IAC) has put up an initial list for comment and expansion to deliver on thatRead… Read more »

The Ministry of Lorem

Now here’s a silly little thing. I saw a post on linking to HipsterIpsum, a filler text generator which instead of the usual fake Latin (lorem ipsum dolor sit amet etc), uses terms beloved of hipsters: Organic sustainable lomo, +1 irony McSweeney’s skateboard Portland PBR tattooed farm-to-table Terry Richardson Williamsburg. Organic farm-to-table wolf, nextRead… Read more »

The Ministry of Lorem

Now here’s a silly little thing. I saw a post on linking to HipsterIpsum, a filler text generator which instead of the usual fake Latin (lorem ipsum dolor sit amet etc), uses terms beloved of hipsters: Organic sustainable lomo, +1 irony McSweeney’s skateboard Portland PBR tattooed farm-to-table Terry Richardson Williamsburg. Organic farm-to-table wolf, nextRead… Read more »

Pawlenty and All Rationality Exit Race for Whitehouse? #gov20 #opengov

Irrationality can result, even from “Self-evident” truths As most of you know, I am a Democrat (worked for a Democratic Congressman, Governor and a bunch of other great electeds and candidates throughout the years). So, don’t take my headline as any indication of a change in my spots. But I get concerned when parts ofRead… Read more »

MythBusters Call For Participation

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) has asked for help to help determine the “Top Ten” Mythbusters initiatives, in conjunction with the ongoing campaign to improve government and industry relations. The American Council for Technology (ACT) – Industry Advisory Council (IAC) has put up an initial list for comment and expansion to deliver onRead… Read more »


Council of Prison Locals Demands Bureau of Prisons Increase Staffing Levels WASHINGTON—The Council of Prison Locals (CPL) of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is saddened and outraged to learn that a female staff worker in the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) was sexually assaulted by an inmate during her work shift. The incidentRead… Read more »

National Archives & FourSquare use: Walk in the Footsteps of the Presidents

I recently attended a webinar hosted by GSA’s Web Manager University who is hosting a series of New Media Talks. I attended a talk by Charles Birnbaum, who is responsible for Business Development and Partnerships at on the use of FourSquare in government. He was accompanied by Jill James, social media lead at theRead… Read more »