Posts Tagged: jobs

When Contracting, It’s Not About You

{Originally published at, a Deltek network.} You might have the coolest new technology or most profitable business model on the block, but when you contract with the government, it’s not about you. The panel of experts at the latest GovWin webinar, Securing Government Contracts: Lessons Learned from Successful SMBs, explained why. [Watch the archivedRead… Read more »

Band-aids on symptoms in the UK

The ridiculous proposition from the UK government overnight that access to social media for those participating in social unrest (and, yes, blatant criminality) beggars belief. The problems currently in the UK are, undoubtedly, symptomatic of a wide and deep set of infernally complex circumstances in that nation for which the seeds were sewn many yearsRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: How Would You Promote Diversity and Inclusion At Work?

Could your agency be doing a better job fostering diversity during the hiring process? Or maybe your agency does a good job recruiting diverse candidates but struggles with retention or employee development. While there are already structures in place to promote fair hiring, the White House wants the Federal workforce to become “a model ofRead… Read more »

Culture Change and the International Open Government Movement

Government In the Lab has a good post on the upcoming Open Government Partnership which is being led by the United States. The kickoff meeting is September 20th with the unveiling of the Open Government Declaration. I am hopeful that this will bring Open Government from being just about Open Data to a more sustainableRead… Read more »

A useful Open Gov Commitment? Focus and Harness the Winds of Public Comment

The White House Recently asked citizens to post suggestions on how to improve,, and the Federal web strategy. This is part two of a multi-part series on how to and more importantly, why we should consider changing the way these, (potentially) game-changing efforts could be improved. Here, we present some comments for regulations.govRead… Read more »

Administration issues far-reaching plan for building cyber workforce

BY ALIYA STERNSTEIN 08/12/2011 The Obama administration on Friday released the first-ever roadmap for building a U.S. cybersecurity workforce and testing the government’s success at raising public awareness of computer threats. Currently, there is no definition of what it means to be a cybersecurity professional. The draft strategic plan sets forth a way to measureRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – August 19, 2011

“Opening government, the Chicago way” “Interviews with Chicago journalists and open government advocates, along with Tolva and Goldstein themselves, led me to a clear conclusion: there’s something new going on in the Windy City that’s worth sharing with the rest of the country and world.” (O’Reilly radar) “Department of Veterans Affairs releases progressive, structured socialRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Are Government CIOs Underpaid?

How much is a good CIO worth to a government agency? Perhaps more than they’re currently getting paid, it turns out. According to a story by Colin Wood at Government Technology, public-sector CIOs endure far more scrutiny than their private-sector colleagues, not to mention exponentially more red tape that makes getting the job done harderRead… Read more »