Posts Tagged: jobs

GovConTrack 2.0 Approved On AppStore!

The new version of GovConTrack was just approved for the app store! I’ll be updating the website tonight: The big new feature is the ability to query, for both detail searches and summary searches with graph & top 10 data. Of course you can also search FPDS-NG as well. For looking up governmentRead… Read more »

Do things that matter.

Originally posted from – Tim O’Reilly once said, “Do things that matter,” and for the last seven months of my life, I’ve been focused on just that. While in my senior year of college, I landed my first real career position as a web developer for a small business in Santa Clarita, California.Read… Read more »

Why We’re Excited About Amazon’s Government Cloud

Amazon announced the Amazon Web Services GovCloud today. This means that government agencies and programs can benefit from Amazon Web Services without having to fret about the myriad security and compliance issues that have been keeping them back. We’re really excited about this for a few reasons: Fewer Excuses Amazon has waded through the oceanRead… Read more »

Should Government Be Run Like a Business?

I was thinking back on a lecture in grad school this morning and wanted to briefly share part of an article and pose the question, should government be run like a business? The New Public Service: Serving Rather than Steering, is an article by Robert Denhardt and Janet Denhardt that I read during graduate school.Read… Read more »

Counties Lead the IT Way, Part II – The Four IT Priorities for Counties

Last time I relayed some of the discussions and trends from this year’s Center for Digital Government Digital Counties award ceremony. While it may have sounded like county governments don’t have the budget for moving along current IT projects or starting new ones, that wasn’t true at all. In fact, in areas that ran theRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Cutting Budgets? Cut the Power!

We’re all being asked to cut back on our budgets these days – cuts are taking place in local, state and federal agencies across the country. And while many of the budgetary decisions in the federal government will fall in the hands of the “super congress” this fall, there’s at least one way that eachRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Renewed Vow for Equal Pay Law Enforcement

A joint letter from EEOC Chair, Jacqueline Berrien and OPM Director, John Berry, has been sent to all civilian federal employees asserting that they are vowing “the most rigorous possible enforcement” of equal pay laws for federal employees. “Almost 50 years ago, when President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act of 1963, womenRead… Read more »

Wasteful or Wonderful?

How do you tell the different between when government programs overlap and duplicate each other versus when they complement and reinforce each other in a collaborative network? Is this just a difference in rhetoric or in reality? This is the underlying theme of a new report by Congressional Research Service specialist Fredrick Kaiser, in “InteragencyRead… Read more »