Posts Tagged: jobs

10 Reasons Why City Governments Should Embrace Hackathons

Rachel Sterne is Chief Digital Officer for the City of New York, where she focuses on the City’s digital media strategy. You can follow her on Twitter @RachelSterne or follow the City @nycgov Today is the last day to sign up for Reinvent NYC.GOV, the City’s first-ever hackathon. Civic-minded designers and developers who want toRead… Read more »

Putting the heat on cycling data

We often use examples of visualisations or maps to describe open data, but if we look at more advanced types of mapping, you can find heatmapping too. Above is a map created using open data in Kent plotted by @purplegeode of just that, it’s a heatmap of cycle park availability, which will be very usefulRead… Read more »

Exit or Voice? How About Neither?

The very first post on this blog, published almost two years ago now, led with “Give us your hands, not just your voices.” I thought of that as I read a Reuters piece this morning entitled The Year We Gave Up on Government. It’s a fascinating piece, with a number of really thought-provoking observations andRead… Read more »

I’m at it again. What will I say this time about gov, technology and saving money?

Looks like it’s my turn in the barrel for another webinar about how govs can save money and increase efficiency by using modern technology. I have to admit that I am a bit keyed up about the direction technology is heading and now is the time to take advantage of the opportunities. Too often govsRead… Read more »

Understanding the Many Communities within Open Gov

Word on the street is that when life first appeared on the planet, it was single-cell. It took a little bit of time (i.e. millions and millions of years) for life to get its differentiation on. But soon, you could see it (or not, since people weren’t around yet): mitochondria, smooth ER and rough ER,Read… Read more »

DC officials make student ID card easier to use on transit

Washington (DC) officials announced changes to the School Transit Subsidy Program that will make it easier for students to use the DC One Card on Metrorail and Metrobus services. Students in grades K-12 will be able to enroll for farecards online, recover lost passes, and renew their passes at any Metrorail station. “These changes willRead… Read more »