Posts Tagged: jobs

Live Blogging the 2011 Next Generation of Government Summit: Morning Keynote

10:00 a.m. And Nick is done. A rep from Aetna, a NextGen sponsor, is thanking everyone for being here and encouraging us to make the most of the next two days. He hopes lots more people will come next year after hearing from this year’s attendees how awesome the summit was. Now we’re hearing fromRead… Read more »

Government IT costs – the bloggers’ view

Once again, the quality commentary on the latest reports into government IT spending is coming from blogs. Simon Dickson: The real story, such as it is, is the Committee’s apparent recognition that the current process – reliant on a small number of large suppliers being given over-spec’ed, over-detailed, over-sized and over-priced projects – is theRead… Read more »

Great Social Media Lessons from the DoD All Service Social Media Conference (DoDASSMC)

Today I had the chance to go to the Department of Defense All Service Social Media Conference (DODASSMC) at Georgetown University’s Clarendon Campus. If you are a community manager or interested in connecting with people running social media programs, you should for sure check out the group. Today there were four speakers, everyone did aRead… Read more »

Tonight on #localgovchat: Healthy Social Media Communities Need Politician and Government Voices

Quick thoughts on tonight’s discussion: There are the politicians and there is the government. There is a distinct separation. Government social media accounts should promote and support services. The politician accounts should be used to support the special initiatives and agendas. Government and services are continuous. Initiatives and agendas have (or should have) a clearRead… Read more »


After being suitably inspired at June’s LocalGovCamp, the effervescent Nicky Getgood has been working away to get StoryCamp up and running. She describes it thus: StoryCamp is a time and picturesque space for storytellers (digital or otherwise), independent publishers, those in local government, hyperlocal-land and beyond to meet, share stories and ways and means ofRead… Read more »

Guardians of the cloud

Deltek Analyst Derek Johnson reports. Cloud computing applications and solutions continue to be one of the hottest trends in the public and private sector today. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has paid even marginal attention to the government contracting market over the past two years. Going to the cloud is oftenRead… Read more »

GovBytes: GSA Completes Move to the Cloud

Yesterday, GSA finished migrating all 17,000 of their employees to cloud-based email. The federal agency is the first to make the switch to Google-powered email. The move is expected to cut IT costs and increase productivity for agency employees, according to Government Technology. Martha N. Johnson, administrator of GSA, said going to the cloud willRead… Read more »

Alex Hillman: CfA is a Hall Pass for Bureaucracy

Yesterday, co-founder of Indy Hall Alex Hillman (@alexknowshtml) wrote up a terrific article about Code for America and its effect on Philadelphia on his blog dangerouslyawesome. Here’s an excerpt of “A Hall Pass for Bureaucracy – Code for America Philadelphia”: When I first heard about Code for America, what intrigued me the most was theRead… Read more »