Posts Tagged: jobs

How to Get a Gov Job Overseas

Although most federal jobs are located in the United States, upwards of 30,000 Americans are working as civilian employees for the federal government overseas. Some of the top agencies for overseas hiring include the Agency for International Development, the Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of State, Peace Corps, and theRead… Read more »

How to Create a Success Portfolio That Will Win Over Interviewers

By Lily Whiteman, author of “How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job”; speaker on career issues; twitter: @Lilymwhiteman Although it doesn’t say so on the invitation, every job interview is really a Bring Your Own Success Portfolio —BYOSP—event. What is a success portfolio? A collection of tangible materials that validates your qualifications and proves thatRead… Read more »

A Gov Exodus? Are You Leaving Too?

Are you looking out your window and witnessing a government stampede out the doors? Is your office looking empty? Probably. The Office of Personnel Management reported that more than 114,000 people left the federal government last year – mostly through retirements. To give you a better picture, the 114,000 departures is roughly 6.2% of theRead… Read more »

Five Tips For Getting Up to Speed in Your New Job

“Let me just show you around…” “…your desk is by the window…” “…and you’ll need to turn that in every Friday…” “…here’s the coffee maker, it’s a little fidgety, so just…” “…Joel’s been with us since the beginning, just ask him anything…” “…extra pens in the closet…” “…meeting every Tuesday, except this week it’s Wednesday…”Read… Read more »

Moving on Up: Advancing Your Government Career

We’re all looking to advance our skills, get better at our current job and move up the leadership ladder, but how do you actually do it? Moderated by Steve Ressler, Founder and CEO of Govloop, our online training featured two career coaches who answered your questions. Adam Smith, Principal at ASC, LLC Beth Flores, FounderRead… Read more »

Jeff Neal Urges Organizations to Update Their Outlook on Senior Executive Service

‘You can’t step into the same river twice.’ Unfortunately, the federal government likes to step in the same river as many times as it can. But some industry leaders are demanding a federal reform in order to keep pace with the changing demographics of government. Jeff Neal, Senior Vice President at ICF International, spoke withRead… Read more »

‘Do or Do not. There is no try.’ And more from AFFIRM’s Monthly Speaker Series

Technology is an enabler. It gives us the ability to harvest big data, mobilize in ways unknown to previous generations, and shows us the means to improve every aspect of society. But that’s all. It just gives us the means, not the action. Some industry leaders are looking to turn means into action. One ofRead… Read more »