Posts Tagged: jobs

Getting educated with open data

In a recent letter from the Prime Minister in the UKto government departments, David Cameron reaffirmed the commitment towards opening up public data that was initiated by the previous government in July, 2009 and swiftly followed by the publication of the open public data catalogue in November, 2009. Today, catalogues data from aRead… Read more »

Pirates of the ISPs: Tactics for Turning Online Crooks Into International Pariahs

The cyber security e-mail lists, Twitter streams, Facebook messages and chat circuits were abuzz today over a new report released from the Brookings Institution. This piece, titled ”Pirates of the ISPs: Tactics for Turning Online Crooks into International Pariahs,” was authored by Noah Shachtman. Noah is a Fellow at the Brookings Institution 21st Century Initiative.Read… Read more »

TechAmerica: Gov Should Move to the Cloud

Today, the TechAmerica Foundation released its report, Commission on the Leadership Opportunity in U.S. Deployment of the Cloud. It is a guide for the Obama Administration on “how government should deploy cloud technologies and for public policies that will help drive U.S. innovation in the cloud.” This continues a series of pushes for government toRead… Read more »

Importance of UX at CfA

CfA Fellow Jeremy Canfield recently published a short piece in UX Magazine, “Why UXers should Code for America,” on the importance of interaction design and user-centric development: Despite its name, the Code for America Fellowship isn’t just for coders. In fact, most of what we do for our government partners doesn’t involve much code atRead… Read more »

Importance of UX at CfA

CfA Fellow Jeremy Canfield recently published a short piece in UX Magazine, “Why UXers should Code for America,” on the importance of interaction design and user-centric development: Despite its name, the Code for America Fellowship isn’t just for coders. In fact, most of what we do for our government partners doesn’t involve much code atRead… Read more »

Federal Spending Options If the Debt Ceiling Is Not Lifted

If the debt ceiling is not raised in the very near future, then the U.S. government will only be able to spend the tax revenue coming in every month. No more borrowing until the debt ceiling is raised. How much spending and how much tax revenue exist in August? According to a new report byRead… Read more »

Managing Complexity

The deficit showdown reflects a challenge of modern times: how can government – and society – deal with increased complexity? A new book may point the way. Noted government observer Donald Kettl, wrote several years ago that the government of the future needs to develop three things to deal with increased complexity: knowledge-driven organizations, theRead… Read more »

Failure to Raise Debt Ceiling May Result in Stopped Funding for Federally Funded Projects

Deltek State and Local Industry Analysis Manager Chris Dixon reports. As the federal government nears the brink of missing its self-imposed deadline for raising the debt ceiling, it’s a good time to assess the potential impact on state and local governments and their contractors. (You can find a great assessment on the potential impact onRead… Read more »

The Cyber Security Summit

On 28 September 2011, will present a one-day Government-Industry Cyber Security Summit to be held at the Newseum in Washington DC. The Government-Industry Summit will bring together thought leaders who know the cyber mission in a venue designed to enhance our collective understanding of the threat, build on existing strategies to mitigate challenges,Read… Read more »

3 Days Away from NextGen & Planning in Full Effect

3 days away from this year’s Next Generation of Government Summit and we are cranking away in GovLoop land (last minute folks – there are only a couple seats left – register at Thought I’d share some photos of the planning Our Signs Our awesome poster Our program (thanks Rock Creek for printing) JustRead… Read more »