Posts Tagged: jobs

GovHelp: How Can DoD Avoid Raising Fees for Military Retirees?

Government Executive reports that numerous watchdog groups are calling for reform of military health care programs for retirees. The article highlights that the non-profits Government Oversight and Taxpayers for Common Sense have proposed $586 billion in cuts to national security over the next 10 years. The cuts would include decreases in weapons systems, reform TRICARE,Read… Read more »

Online resume secrets that get results

SUMMARY: Read my three-part blog series- Online Job Hunting with SEO- that gives insider tips on how to research, write and post a search-optimized resume that is guaranteed to attract recruiters and employers! With severe government budget cuts from Washington, DC, to Washington state, some government employees are finding they have to search for jobsRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Debt Ceiling Uncertainty for Federal Workers

As was the case earlier this year when the White House and Congress went to the brink before finalizing a 2011 budget, government workers are again facing great uncertainty about their work and their future amid the high-stakes political negotiations over raising the debt limit. At this point, no one is saying what will happenRead… Read more »

[acronym] Magazine Public Sector CAD Awards – Share Your Innovations and Achievements

Attention CAD designers, managers and drafters! Has digital design changed the business of government in your city, county or agency? Have you put new ideas into practice that you want to share with your government peers? Now’s your chance. The [acronym] Magazine Public Sector CAD Awards is a new innovation contest that challenges the publicRead… Read more »

Making Mobile Gov: Design Phase

With your help, we’ve discovered the case for Mobile Gov and discussed ten challenges to agencies trying to use mobile technologies to achieve their missions and better serve the American public. Our next step is to gather the smart minds of people in government, industry, nonprofits, academia and the general public to Design Mobile Gov.Read… Read more »

Here comes Gen Y – Prepare for a cultural divide?

What do young feds think of their older coworkers – and vice-versa? The results of an exclusive Federal News Radio survey reveal what may be a cultural rift in the federal workplace. Many longer-term feds who took the survey said they view their younger counterparts as entitled and lacking communication skills. They say young fedsRead… Read more »

It’s All About Knowledge!

What is knowledge? “Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, that can include descriptions, facts, information and/or skills acquired through experience or education”, according to Wikipedia. Ben Franklin revealed, “an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” What does knowledge have to do with customer service? Consider this, have you ever been toRead… Read more »

Seven Management Imperatives: Imperative Six – Work with the Private Sector in New Ways

Government leaders and managers are increasingly doing business using methods and approaches that differ from the traditional contracts and grants process. Today, government leaders and managers need to know how to use innovative acquisition methods that shorten the lifecycle of a contract, as well as how to leverage new ways of tapping into the privateRead… Read more »

College Degree: Worth Your Effort?

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net HR Specialist. He’s an Intel IT type in a senior management position and he doesn’t have a degree. But everyone who works for him and all new hires do. She’s military and ready to take her enlisted experience and security clearances into the government contracting world. But all theRead… Read more »

The Need For Civic Education: A GovLoop Exclusive With Richard Dreyfuss

There’s always a lot of talk on GovLoop about attracting and retaining young talent in government. Obviously, there are things like paying more and making the hiring process simpler, but another big part of getting young people to take an active role in their government is educating them about the importance at an early age.Read… Read more »