Posts Tagged: jobs

Seven Management Imperatives: Imperative Six – Work with the Private Sector in New Ways

Government leaders and managers are increasingly doing business using methods and approaches that differ from the traditional contracts and grants process. Today, government leaders and managers need to know how to use innovative acquisition methods that shorten the lifecycle of a contract, as well as how to leverage new ways of tapping into the privateRead… Read more »

College Degree: Worth Your Effort?

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net HR Specialist. He’s an Intel IT type in a senior management position and he doesn’t have a degree. But everyone who works for him and all new hires do. She’s military and ready to take her enlisted experience and security clearances into the government contracting world. But all theRead… Read more »

The Need For Civic Education: A GovLoop Exclusive With Richard Dreyfuss

There’s always a lot of talk on GovLoop about attracting and retaining young talent in government. Obviously, there are things like paying more and making the hiring process simpler, but another big part of getting young people to take an active role in their government is educating them about the importance at an early age.Read… Read more »

AALL 2011: In Philly

The 2011 AALL Annual Meeting is underway in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the city is broiling hot with the temperature hitting over the 100 degree mark. There is so much beauty and history in Philly. All you have to do is walk out the door of your hotel and there it is. Even in the swelteringRead… Read more »

Government Needs to be the Best It Can Be

Is this how government employees are viewed? Well, this is what I see every day when I get home from work. This is hopefully not the norm, but it does reflect poorly on all of us. We need to be better. We are public servants – that’s right, we serve the public with the moneyRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 is a “fait accompli” in France. But what about the French version of Gov 2.0?

“France succumbed to Twitter” – this is today’s headline in one of the most popular French newspaper “Le Parisien”. Two million French are using Twitter as of today. This number is nothing compared to the true success of Facebook on the French soil. Half (!) of the population in France are using the biggest socialRead… Read more »

Wounded Warrior Project to the Rescue!

Power IT Down Day is less than a month away – and we’re still hoping to drive as many people as possible to sign up at to commit to turning off their IT equipment for the weekend of August 26th. If saving energy in your home or office is not enough to entice youRead… Read more »

Santa Cruz Assistant to the City Manager Interview

As a recently graduated MPA student (July 1 graduation– check it out here!), I’m trying to learn as much as I possibly can about government. This post is the first of a series of interviews with outstanding state and local government employees across the country. I find people incredibly fascinating and I love learning aboutRead… Read more »