Posts Tagged: jobs

The Opportunity for Civic Startups [Video]

Jennifer Pahlka — founder of one of Civic Commons’ founding partners, Code for America — gave a talk at the Future of Web Apps conference in Las Vegas a few weeks ago, entitled “The Next Disruption: The Opportunity for Civic Startups.” The keynote, embedded below, outlined how there is a huge opportunity in the governmentRead… Read more »

Investigation questions, News Corp. news, OCE a target, and more political law links

REP. RIVERA IN THE NEWS. Roll Call. “The FBI and IRS are investigating Rep. David Rivera over payments that a casino company may have made to a company owned by the Florida Republican’s mother, the Miami Herald reported Thursday.” LOBBYING AND THE BOTTOM LINE. Roll Call. WHAT HAPPENED AT THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION? Here’s aRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up – July 22, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Recommended Daily Downloads? The FDA has proposed health-related mobile application guidelines. The Food and Drug Administration reports that there are more than 350,000 health-related apps for Apple devices, and tens of thousands for other platforms. Because these apps are tantamount to medical delivery devices, the FDA argues, they should be regulated like otherRead… Read more »

Bullet-Proof Your Defense Industry Resume

Having seen a lot of resumes I’m still surprised by the number of obvious mistakes – lack of spell-checking, all-caps where it shouldn’t be (or should it be anywhere?), incoherent statements. And when it comes to defense industry resumes, far too many people ignore the details and fail to target their resume as they should.Read… Read more »

The Government Man – Where You Sit is Where You Stand

The Government Man is back after a brief hiatus. In my book, Confessions of a Government Man, a chapter called “Where You Sit is Where You Stand” was all about the stovepipe mentalities once prevalent in government. Fortunately a lot of this type of thinking is gone but not totally forgotten. The subject matter conjuresRead… Read more »

Jen Pahlka on the Next Disruption: Civic Startups

In late June, Jen Pahlka, CfA’s Founder and Executive Director, gave a talk at the Future of Web Apps conference in Las Vegas. Entitled “The Next Disruption: The Opportunity for Civic Startups,” Jen’s keynote outlined how there is a $172 billion government spending market that is waiting to be disrupted by today’s geeks and entrepreneurs.Read… Read more »

British Columbia launches open data portal, posts freedom of information requests online

Tweet Open data is moving forward in Canada. The provincial government in British Columbia launched its own open data portal on Tuesday. The site, has been in the works for a long time and will provide nearly 2,500 data sets covering a broad range of information from salaries to student performance. The B.C. governmentRead… Read more »

We Don’t Just Code for America

The name “Code for America” is a little misleading: CfA needs more than coders, and its coders must do more than code. We need civic hackers, yes. But we also need researchers, project managers, and designers experienced in UI and UX. We need fellows who can understand government, and fellows who can understand each other.Read… Read more »

A chat with Alex Howard from O’Reilly Media on mobile Gov 2.0

When it comes to reporting on new developments in the Gov 2.0 world, there are few more influential than Alex Howard. Based in Washington D.C., Alex writes for O’Reilly Media on everything from social media to new technology developments. He’s known to many by his Twitter pseudonym, @digiphile. I sat down with him while inRead… Read more »